I am aIn love with aR.I.P Scott Richard Taack. He died May 2005 on the way home from working up in Blue Diamond. He was riding his bike and a SUV cut him off and my cousin had no time to stop so he hit into the SUV and died at the scene of the accident. I love and miss him very much and just cause he is gone doesn't mean his memories are gone. I will also never be able to listen to "Roll Out" and not think of him, because that is the first song I ever listened to with him [we were going up to Boulder City for ice cream(yeah I know why in the world did we go up to Boulder City just for ice cream well the answer is it is worth it the ice cream there is awsome they like take the cone and dip it in chocolate it is really good don't diss it till you try it)]. Like I said before he's gone but his memories are not. I love and miss him very much, but as of November 7th we can spened an eternity together in the after life. If u'd like any further information please contact my sister the first one on my top friends list LOVE YOU JAMIE!!!!!!
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