J Jolly
O Odd
E Energetic
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Dancing, Golf, Movies, Martial arts,Working out at the gym cooking breakfast and baking bar-b-que baby back ribs .
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People of all ages. I believe that everyone we meet add to who we are.I've met a lot of people over the last past year. The people I Iike to meet the most are those who force me to grow as a person. I will walk my path alone maybe for a long time and that's o k by me I mostly like it that way. So for now I'll go dancing with my friends and do what do most Choose to be HAPPY ALWAYS no matter what am doing or who am doing it with! Now a far as the women I want to met well I know what looking for in a long term relationship, however at this time I'm to sure that I'm ready to even date. What I'm looking for in a women I'm not going to said here. I had one person that said to me, who I'm I to be choosy? I don't believe knowing what you looking makes you choosy. It just makes you a focus person.
Country, Blues, Rock & Roll
Time travel, Action, Romantic comedy; While you were sleeping with Sandra Bullock.Almost any romantic movie with Drew Barrymore in it."Note Book A movie about true unconditional LOVE".Martial art; Jet lee, Jackie Chan. Just about any Action movie with director James Wong.
Stargate SG-1, 24, Psych, Monk, Almost all t.v. shows that I watch I tape and watch in my down time. Down time= A mix drink, remote control all to myself.
Bible, Rays of Dawn, Every mans marriage, (books on cd) DR. Wayne Dyer The Power Of INTENTION, life in Balance & Inspired Life. Anthony Robbins Lessons in mastery.
Anyone in History that put the needs of others ahead of thier own.