basketball,, shopping ,, telebabad ,, chat,, reading (mAgAzInE lNg p0h..) ,, dancing?!,, fAsHi0nbooks (minsan) ,, nO0d T.V., vCd, dVd, bsta movies ,, kiNig mUsiC!!!!!
pipol.... who r..... nice,friendly,sporty&makulit!!!!c",
rock & senti..... not POP!!!!
LizZiE McgUirE ,, 50 FiRst DaTes ,,chEaPer By a dOzEn ,, frEaKy frIdAy ,, princess diaries ,, TRIP!!! ,, pArEnt TrAp ,, cAyOtE uGlY
dat's s0 rAvEn ,, LiZzie Mcgiure ,, CLICK ,, bErKs ,, sPonGe b0b ,, tOtAly spies ,, aManDa sHows ,, riPLeys.... ,, l00ney tO0ns ,, VICTIM!!!! ,, kIM p0sSiblE ,, AFV ,, MYX ,, MTV ,, dArk AnGeL.....
libro b?????!!!!! ummmmm.... MAGAZINES Chicken soup! ung sa teens & ung s kids..... trumphet of the swan din... s0rry d m bo0k w0rm e, hehehehehe.....c",