Boys, Girls,Whips, Chains,Vampires,
Witches, Sex, and reading Smut Fiction
Porn without plot .. Basically anything
that will catch my attention
I'm easily amused and entertain me already
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People....I need friends...Lord knows I have enough enemies...
Maybe Mr. Right....I really don't know...Been hurt too many times to count...Kind of scared to even try
Just people that I can hang out with and connect with
"Anything less than mad passionate extraordinary love is a waste of your time. There are too many mediocre things in life to deal with and love shouldn't be one of them" - Dream for an Insomniac
I like anything...Music speaks to me in so many ways.
You could call me a lette...You could call me a could call me could call me thug....Just don't call me hick!!!
waaaaay too many to mention at the moment...
Horror is a turn on...
Yes...Sometimes i will watch those sappy chick flicks.....but that's when I'm in the mood for it.
Ahhhh ... Television
I watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel
That's pretty much it & now that they are both off of the air
I don't really watch that much TV
Sometimes I'll find myself watching cartoons
late at night like:
Family Guy and
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
But that's about it.
I miss Fraggle Rock!!
Anne Rice
Read them all .. well maybe all but one
If you recommend an author to me
I'll make sure to read it, but it has to
catch my attention
It has to make me feel like I'm there
watching the story unfold.
Plus I read a lot of fan fiction .. mostly smut
I don't believe in heroes ...
I can't admire any one person
Everyone has their qualities
just like everyone has their flaws