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About Me

Berk was born in 14.01.1984 in Istanbul Kadiköy. He is a bass player in a Turkish rock band called Pi and also playing bass for some groups/individual artists. He also wants to be & tries to be a sound engineer . Berk started to play bass at the age of 17 in a group called "Old Skin". Then in December 2000, he formed Pi with Kerim, Hakan and Erkin. In 2002, Pi got into Sing Your Song with their first ever song "Hersey Zor" and selected in final 18. In 2003, Berk played bass in 6.Cadde's album . Also in 2003, Pi release their first album "Her Sey Zor" by making their own production. In March 2006, Berk and Erkin build their studio, Soundistanbul. Berk recorded Juliet's Demo, Pi's new Demo with Erkin and Onur's(drummer of Mat)project song in Soundistanbul.Now he is a master degree student in ITU MIAM Sound Engineering department and working as an asistant engineer in ATM ( with Alp Turaç & Erim Arkman. Also working with some Turkish bands on P.A systems in live performances.LOVEMYFLASH CODE /LOVEMYFLASH CODE

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öss den beridir en büyük karin agrilarini yasadigim zaman zarfi içinde yer almaktayim. Verdigim karara göre 2 Temmuz Pazartesi açiklanacak MIAM Girenler Listesine göre hayatim sekillenecek. Ya 2 sene ...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 06:32:00 GMT

Pi olarak a konuk olduk..

www. da bu ay Pi ropörtajini okuyabilirsiniz...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 06:31:00 GMT