I started music at a young age and ever since it kind of grew on me. No matter what happened in life i could always count on music to always be there for me, even when my own parents could help me, music was always there. By the age of 11 i was already well into teaching myself to play the piano and was in the beginning stages of learning to produce my own songs. My brother, Michael "SickaCell" Rose, was one of the biggest influences on my music journey even until today. He inspired me to start music and no matter what happened, to stay with it. Now at the age of 16 I have advanced farther than i could have ever thought to be possible. Coming out of Kansas Sity, Kansas, no wonder why my music is inspired mostly by Jazz and blues. I was born on July 8. 1990 and ever since i could rememeber i always had a passion for music, even befor i could hit akey on the piano. Now, soon to be 17 years of age, i plan to persue my career in music full time as well as my Clothing line Volume 80Five and all the branches that have stemmed off and will in the future. I consider myself to be very talented and i don't back down from challenges. My first album is The unDEADicated Truth which is justan album to express my feelings on many different topics and let my voice be heard and my skills be seen.
So please, Relax. Enjoy the music. If you need anything just email me at [email protected] or talk to me on aim at EmartheMusician.
How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace profile editor .