When I'm not spending time volunteering or sharing with my family and friends, you can find me at the movies or tweeking my soon to be released version of "Riding Through The Storms"
Those who are full of life and not afraid to live it to the fullest while being just who God created them to be, "FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLUY MADE"!!!!
It has been said "music calms the savage beast". I like a varied range of music from Gospel greats as the Spirited-filled Shirly Caesars, to the Soulful Patti LaBelle and the smooth sound of KEM......
My all time favorite is "The Color Purple". But I also like the drama of Malcolm X, Still Magnoloia and Pretty Woman. I enjoy a great comedy, full of laughter but not stupidity!!!! I am a big fan of Denzel Washington....
Since I spend my extra time either with my family and friends, volunteeting, or tweeking my upcoming book "Riding Through The Storm", I seldom have time to watch television. But when I do, I like anything on HGTV, Boston Legal, Grey's Anatomy and Desperate Housewives..I sometimes watch re-runs of The Cosby's.
I like to read any book that's going to enhance who I am and aspire to be...I find "The Bible Experience" on CD to be facinating and enlightening!!!I've read "I Know Why The Cage Bird Sings" for the umtenth time and now reading "A Hand To Guide Me". I like to explore how others blossom "While Riding Trough Their Storm"....
The true heros are the mothers and fathers who stand up for what's right while instilling the Love of God in their childrens heart(way to go Michael & Rita, Bubba & Mia, Tera & Jason).....I also applaude the teachers and administrators (hat's off to you Bubba and Ryann) who spend countless hours with our children; pouring their knowledge deep within their minds to enhance the next generation while being disrespected and bound by economical shackles!!!!But my real heros are my two wonderful Sons, Michael (a great husband & dad) and Pastor Marqus( Ryann, who exemplifies his love for God through his care for all of his kids @ Bales BC, SMBC, and throughout Kansas City school system) and Rita, my daughter by marriage, (who keeps me looking GOOD as she cares for my son and 5 beautiful grandchildren; Tre' Brianna, Christian, Ashley and Joy).....you three are AWESOME!!!!