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Lauryn Hill, Jay-Z, Mos Def, Bill Cosby, Dave Chappelle, Mos Def, Ray Allen, Reggie Miller and hopefully one day my old friends again. My nigga Jay, Keisha, Quita, Lyle, D, P, Cheynelle, Alfred, H.Shell, Brandon, Keyshaun, everybody.
Old school Hip-Hop, R&B, Jazz, Reggae and Calypso.
Must own: Scarface, Friday, Friday after next, Chappelle Show box set vol 1-2, Boyz in the Hood, Menace to Society, Juice, He got game, Anger Management, Anchorman (Will Farell and Steve Carell is crazy funny in this joint, go get it, fo real)
The Soprano's, The Wire, and I just started watching Lost (I'm hooked)
Currently studying for my computer science degree
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