no fuel left... profile picture

no fuel left...

About Me

mmm...just me, curls, cleavage, red lipstick, retro underwear, photography, train stations, dark rum, cats, legends, weird people's faces, old broken stuff, winter/fall lover, the individual smell of people's bodies, expressing feelings, being impulsive, being rational, acting insane, pushing my limits, being loved, being hated, making mistakes, leaving, returning,...pretty much a good liFe!

Contact Tables


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

every disordered freak on this planet!!!!................. 

My Blog

eimaste gia mpatses.....

H Eurwpaikh Enwsh eksedwse ena pshfisma gia oles tis mesogeiakes xwres pou eplhghsan apo fwties na desmeutoun oti ta dash pou kahkan 8a ksanaginoun dash, dioti auto afora OLH THN PERIOXH k OXI MONO K...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 06:01:00 GMT