I can rap your ass off. I keep it gangsta and stay THUG OUT. love women that you can sit down ad talk to with out any bullshit and drama. if you want to know any more email me at skoshungangster@hotmail.com .
I made my myspace layout using Pimp-My-Profile.com
I made my myspace layout using Pimp-My-Profile.com
I made my myspace layout using Pimp-My-Profile.com
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.. allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" src="http://embed.snapvine.com/flash/snap.swf" quality="high" width="400" height="182" name="snap" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" wmode="transparent" flashvars="forum=embed.snapvine.com/profile/rIXXjA55Ix8ouekd FU8EbHskbWj51dmF/gadget_ms&css=embed.snapvine.com/styles heets/elvis.css&xmlParams= " / Get Your Own Voice Player Manage Get Your Own Voice Player ManageGet Your Own! | View SlideshowI made my myspace layout using Pimp-My-Profile.com
I made my myspace layout using Pimp-My-Profile.com
..Get Your Own Voice Player Manage