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Fat Tony // 2 New Tracks Up!!


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Fat Tony's acting debut as Officer Obidiyah in Supreeme's "IM CRAZY"...
"Listen down, clowns. Fat Tony's flow is characteristic of the au' natural dynamic I yearn for... I am confident to recommend [Fat Tony's Love Life EP] to anyone who knows shit from shinola."
- Omar Afra, Free Press Houston
"Intelligent rhymes and a keen sense of worldliness show musical maturity light years beyond those who only listen to radio rap. There is something fresh and organic in his music and his approach/mantra of "loving life."
- Mike Damante, The Daily Cougar (University of Houston)
"...impressive rhyming abilities and tasteful lyrical content, all of which are accentuated by solid hooks and captivating beats... This is Hip Hop at its best."
- Chris Hanthorn, St. Edward's University Newspaper
"The way [Fat Tony carries himself] on stage is what I like most. The energy and the enthusiasm, jumping around... I love it. I absolutely hate seeing people get up there that are so gotdamn serious they just gotta stare at you and talk to you. ..anyone who doesn't download [the Love Life EP] and bang it is a dumb fuck. Its free and its quality serve. Get it good."
- Ish, Lower Life Form
"...this down Houston native plans to put some muscle in hip hop. His humble and rapid flow match his soulful up-tempo beats. His music defiantly has a message to it and represents one of those "look at me, I'm right here" artist in an era where people can't seem to find good hip hop."
- Dominic McDonald, Urb Magazine // Next 1000
RATE FAT TONY in URB Magazine's Next 1000! http://www.urb.com/promotions/next1000/profile.php?BandId=84 9
http://blogs.houstonpress.com/rocks/2008/07/2008_hpma_winner _list.php
Fat Tony's Love Life EP.
Released: March 4, 2008
Released by Same Struggle Ent.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/24/2006
Band Website: facebook.com/pages/Fat-Tony/9656164815
Band Members: PRESS

Tiny Mix Tapes
Review of Fat Tony's Love Life EP by Joseph Hale [3.5 / 5]

The Daily Cougar (University of Houston)
Fat Tony helps keep local sound original [09.08.08]

The Daily Cougar (University of Houston)
Sound Check: Texas proves it's big enough for all types of music [04.01.08]

Hip Hop Remix
Spotlight: Fat Tony [03.06.08]

Drench Magazine
Artist Spotlight: Houston's own Fat Tony [02.08]

The Dirty Mop Show ( KXLU 88.9FM - Los Angeles )
Click here to listen to Fat Tony's interview on The Dirty Mop Show

Electric Relaxation on WMUR Radio (Baltimore, MD)
Check out the Interview by Zea + Fat Tony's favorite songs!

"VH1 Classic's Rock Autism campaign is designed to help educate parents and build awareness about autism, a complex neurobiological developmental disorder that lasts throughout a person's lifetime, and to raise funds for a variety of autism research, advocacy, and support organizations. Autism affects one in every 150 children, with a child diagnosed every 21 minutes. Today, there is no known cause. VH1 Classic aims to galvanize a community of artists and fans in support of autism awareness."


Sounds Like:

Record Label: yeahobi [at] gmail [dot] com.
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Love Life [EP] Review from Tiny Mix Tapes.com

http://www. tinymixtapes. com/Fat-TonyMUSIC REVIEWSFat TonyLove Life [EP][Same Struggle; 2008]3.5 out of 5----Styles: hip-hop, soul-pop, EDMOthers: its own thing----Look up Houston hip-hop on Wikipedi...
Posted by Fat Tony // 2 New Tracks Up!! on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 09:16:00 PST

(The Bummy Teenagers) "TALK SHIT".. d/l link + lyrics!

http://www.zshare.net/audio/194096134a16fc82/ [Fat Tony] Talk shit and swallow spit is all that I'm finna do Bring yo click around and I'll show you what we get into When you hear the sound -- BUM TEE...
Posted by Fat Tony // 2 New Tracks Up!! on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 12:37:00 PST

TUMULTUOUS TIMES in (hurricane’d) TEXAS: I hope all are well!!

Take a look, world..http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2008/09/the_short_bu t_eventful_life_of.htmlI wish all of y'all the best & pray your homes and loved ones made it through Hurricane Ike in one p...
Posted by Fat Tony // 2 New Tracks Up!! on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 10:04:00 PST

WHO IN THE HELL IS FAT TONY?!: Ask & you shall receive.

What up,,,!So... I'm a new ass artist in a sea of new rappers coming from all over..ya know?I wouldn't be surprised if a potential fan passed me over because they expected another *insert any hyped ne...
Posted by Fat Tony // 2 New Tracks Up!! on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 09:33:00 PST

Fat Tony featured on Sucker4Clothes.com mixtape volume one!!

  DOWNLOAD: Sucker4Clothes. com The Mixtape Vol. 1...
Posted by Fat Tony // 2 New Tracks Up!! on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 11:33:00 PST

Fat Tony Interview w/ Floss Internet Approved Blog [06.12.08]

From this past June..A word with Floss (producer of the song Love Life) from his Internet Approved blog .[[check it out folks / i supports this dude]]http://internetapproved.blogspot.com/Just did som...
Posted by Fat Tony // 2 New Tracks Up!! on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 11:47:00 PST

The Daily Cougar on Fat Tony: "Fat Tony helps keep local sound original."

CHECK IT OUT, FRIENDS...Fat Tony helps keep local sound original.FAT TONY'S THOUGHTS ON AMERICAN COLLEGIATE SCHOOLS?..."I don't care for the system. I think college is a big hustle."FAT TONY'S OPINION...
Posted by Fat Tony // 2 New Tracks Up!! on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 07:49:00 PST

WHATS THE DAMN DEAL: New releases, music video cameo, life, etc.

What it do kinfolk & folkettes.. Hope all is cool!It's been a swell year for Fat Tony Obidiyah Geofferey Jones man...released my 1st record (the Love Life EP - on Same Struggle Ent.), got voted Best U...
Posted by Fat Tony // 2 New Tracks Up!! on Thu, 28 Aug 2008 07:59:00 PST

a few albums that mean the world to fat tony. what about you?

A nigga loves this music at his very core, man. I owe my being to the good graces of my creator and these loud ass songs that blast from my room on the regular. Like my dude Morrissey once said, "thes...
Posted by Fat Tony // 2 New Tracks Up!! on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 06:10:00 PST

TOP 5IVE.. dead and/or alive. Who are your favorite rappers?

Everybody's got their favorites, their top 5s, top 10s, top 20s, etc. In this world of opinions, every person with 2 or more rap CDs seems eager to argue who's the best of the best of the best, right?...
Posted by Fat Tony // 2 New Tracks Up!! on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 01:25:00 PST