so lets play who's in your mouth profile picture

so lets play who's in your mouth

i could imagine a planet with out war or hate then i could imagine us attacking them because they wo

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dont know....
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reading,traveling,working out,meeting new people,going out to clubs,paintball,warhammer,football,quading,poker,eve online ?? Which Of The Seven Deadly Sins Are You ??
You are Wrath/Anger!Wow... who got you so mad huh ?? You have serious anger issues!! with a rage that seems somewhat deadly, and a temper that is easily raised, you are by far the scariest sin. You tend to let the little things get to you, and are stressed fairly easily - and woe be it to any of your enemies. On the positive side, you're independent, powerful and a definite leader, if you could just control your moods!Congratulations on being the toughest!! ...and the most independent of all the 7 deadly sins!
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I'd like to meet:

anybody out there to talk to
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just about anything


black hawk down,lord of the rings all three,it,super troopers,clerks,brotherhood of the wolf,mallrats,atl,insideman,


70s show,oc,smallville,


sci-fi ,fantesy


What Combat Weaponry Are You?
M-134 "Mini-Gun"
A true brute, you have a "presence" every where you go. You can take on any opponent with little effort, your dependable and your reputation does the talking.

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