My Blog
Back at the Crest
So, I am back at Cedar Crest for like two weeks. I have no food until like Friday when I get paid... that means I don't eat until Friday. Hopefully I can figure something out so I can have...
Posted by on Mon, 14 May 2007 14:39:00 GMT
You know I had this whole big funny blog typed up and then the damn thing got erased so now this is all I have to say... After 3 weeks of searching I finally found my remote control and now I can cha...
Posted by on Sun, 04 Dec 2005 14:11:00 GMT
My Life... as of now
So I haven't done one of these in FOREVER, and right now I am just a wee bit bored. So hell, why not let you all in on my oh so wonderful life... As of now I am 18, woo hoo, legal at last. ...
Posted by on Fri, 21 Oct 2005 11:42:00 GMT
Something I found.....
ok, so I found this in someone else's blogs, but I thought it'd be cool.... so PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE answer it. Would you: [ ] Kiss me &nbs...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Jul 2005 07:09:00 GMT
Holy hell.... it's 3:15 and I am still in my pjs. How awsome is that?! Hahaha, that means no deodorant either (i took a shower the night before don't worry)... smell something funky, I think so....
Posted by on Thu, 30 Jun 2005 15:14:00 GMT
In need of some lovin'
You know, guys are dumb... like really dumb. Ok, let me let you in on a little secret of ours. We like to know that you miss us when you don't see us. We like to know that you are thinking about us. W...
Posted by on Sat, 30 Apr 2005 09:18:00 GMT
Finally done
I finally finished my room. I have been working on it since like 10 am . Well, thats really all. Umm yeah thats it I just thought that face was funny.
Posted by on Mon, 25 Apr 2005 18:28:00 GMT