Kenny Chesney, Matthew Um ya! lOl, Bam!, Paul Walker, Oh & the person who bought my 1999 Red Mitsubishi Eclipse 10th anniversary edition!! *I MISS YOU*-The best friends are the ones you don't have to talk to everyday. The ones who understand why you didn't take their advice to not call him. They're the ones who listen when they've already heard the same story one thousand times. They call just to say hi and they take your side without hearing the full story. They love your new boyfriend because they know you're truly happy and they hate your ex for ever hurting you. They'll make you laugh in the midst of crying and they'll remind you that you are loved. They'll listen to your favorite song, over and over and over again, just because it puts a smile on your face. They're your crazy sidekick, the one you look at and say... "Hell yeah that's my best friend!"-