Rhyme Ink profile picture

Rhyme Ink

About Me

Did Lao Tsu dream the butterfly, or did the butterfly dream Lao Tsu?
Rhyme Ink was started December 22, 2006 by two friends who share a deep passion for music, art, and literature. Rhyme Ink is more than an organization, it is a haven for anyone, regardless of opinion, race, gender, or religion. A hub for anyone to openly express themselves, hence the Rhyme Ink self expression movement. If you are interested in joining and/or have any art of any kind you'd like to submit, add this Myspace page or E-mail your artwork to [email protected] is welcome here, so all artists regardless of your medium, join today to share your work and become part of this movement. Anyone submitting work will be fully credited or may remain anonymous.........{Mission statement}---Free thinking, open minds, and Self Expression!
"good poetry is not born of good word play, or even skill in poetic device, good poetry is born of great passion, feeling, or emotion expressed in the most candid of words."-

Rhythmical Nonsense
"Life imitates {Art} imitates life"
"[Life] is not about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself"-

Love creates Life, Weakness builds strength
Universal truth is not measured in mass appeal

Hablar mientras otros trabajan es pulir huesos - Octavio Paz
Isaac Miller: Wiretap
Jenni Wong
Ulises Dorantes and Isaac Miller: Conquest
Zora Howard: Bi-Racial Hair

My Interests


Member Since: 24/12/2006
Band Website: coming soon....."coming soon.....
Band Members: the free world!
Influences: {Life}--[Pain]---{art}---
Sounds Like: {{{Art}}} poetry "MUSIC" [Dance]
Record Label: Rhyme Ink

Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


He's breathing life into me,so delicate and fragile, like spun glass.tiny fingers tangling cords and rope, desperatly trying to create something out of nothing.but this happened for a reason, this lit...
Posted by on Sat, 10 May 2008 16:04:00 GMT

Not Sure

Eyes down i remain nameless and with no guidance i remained aimless labeled to death im this and that time to think i stopped and sat maybe its over and im fine disagreement in mind when i say i love ...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 17:41:00 GMT

The Crying Game

Come my love lets play this game let tears fall ill do the same in my arms you feel no shame kiss me once whisper my name tell me no one can take my place il say the same and touch your face hold me ...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 17:31:00 GMT

A Dialogue by Omar

Erika: Hi Jerome: hey.... {pause} Erika: Well....say something... Jerome: What would you like me to say?!?! You want me to say its alright? That everything is ok now! Well its not Erika, Its not!! It...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 17:24:00 GMT

A Monologue to Write

Sometimes I wonder what its like to die. I've gotten close... but what if I don't like it there. What if I can't come back? But its got to be better than anything here. Some cultures believe you come ...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 17:19:00 GMT

Is it really called love? By Marvin {D@ V!NCi}Georges

What do u call it when she on your mind all the time? First thing u think about when u wake up Last thing u think about when u go to sleep You smile when u think about her And still laugh hours af...
Posted by on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 17:35:00 GMT

Untitled-by: Marvin {D@ V!NCi} Georges

chillin on my front steps thinkin bout life and what's gonna happen next watchin lil kids play without a care throwin the ball through the air growin up in a world so corrupt they said children a...
Posted by on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 13:24:00 GMT


there is a room with nothing inside but you can hear a millon cries bounce of the walls There the cries of young unborn ones. The babies that were never given a chance to live Their mothers to afriad,...
Posted by on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 21:26:00 GMT

my two loves are but one

let me use you as my canvas, let the paint turn you inside out, so that the beauty that i see within the confines of your mind, my love, clings to you like a second skin-- let me dip my brush in, pa...
Posted by on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 01:39:00 GMT

new york, new york

land of eternal paradox tennis shoes swing from power lines above sunflower beds the endless impersonal ballet of the ragged and weary juxtaposed against the glamorous everybody hustlin everybody mo...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 08:22:00 GMT