Gaberlunzi profile picture


And the world keeps turning

About Me

Ronan Gaberlunzi, Hails from Dublin. Singer song writer all around mad front man.
JOhn gaberlunzi, Hails from Dublin also, Singer song writer, all around fantastic guitarist. ...
2008 see the Debut EP from this Duo "To Penny Arcade", with the blooming of something brand new.
Backing Band: Daniel, Keith, John and Ronan. --------------------------------------------- 2008 ------------------------------------------ I found this site and i'm going to make it my thing to do ... in 1001 days
start date: now!
so this year i'm making a list. i will keep editing them and putting them in order as i go, suggestions welcome.THE UPDATED LIST**
1- Release Full album(band) happening on the 08.08.08!
2- Release Full album (solo) date pushed back till september
3- Record second album. - currently working on this
4- Give up smoking. COMPLETE! SINCE JANUARY 2008!
5 - Go for a run once a week - Ok I'm slacking on this one
6- read the bible - september 2008...
7- Run a marathon - eh... its a long way... 2009
8- Got for a new years day swim... 2009 eak!!! can i wear a wet suit?
9- eat sushi - Loi is cooking me up some...
10- Learn how to drive & get a licence --- eh 2009?
11- Get published. does releasing the album count?
12- Write 3 short stories
13- swim with dolphins
14- write a play.
15- Act in a production.
16- climb the three highest peaks in Ireland
17- reach the top of the Eiffel Tower.
18- Raise some chickens and not buy eggs for an entire year.
19- make a guitar from scratch.(this is going to be a touch one)
20- Learn how to ski.
21- paint a self portrait.
22- Go horse riding and camp over night like in the wild west.
23- Help strangers out(on going)
24- Set a record for saying yes.(i'll keep you posted on what my record is - on going)
25- Join a football team.
26- Go surfing, & ride a wave.
27- Get a job. COMPLETE :) A REAL ONE :) WOW
28- Learn Spanish/Italian
29- Go one week without using phones. COMPLETE!!!
30- Spend one whole summer day, with a picnic on a beach/hill/cliff fishing and throwing stones into the sea.
31- Touch a famous Knee.
32- walk up croke patrick bare foot. SEPTEMBER 2008
33- Raft down a river in a man made raft.
34- win in chess 20times...
35- Drink 2pints of water a day.
36- Record one song a week on the 8-track(this is going to be the hardest to stick to as i'm very lazy when it comes to putting the track onto CD.)
37- save 20e per week (sounds like an easy one... but trust me its not).
38- Design my own T-shirt range.
39- Become president... or something...
40- Go one week without eating meat.
41- Give blood
42- Read Ulysses (but the link wont' work, just do a google on it -- you can read it online :)
43 -... more to come... Gaberlunzi and the two penny arcade

My Interests


Member Since: 12/24/2006
Influences: Nick Drake, Bob Dylan, Mary Coughlan, Tom waits, Violent Fems, Velvet Underground, Tim Buckley, Steven Bishop, Frank Zappa, more coming sooon...
Record Label: Yellow Leaf Music
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

101 things to do ...

I found this site and i'm going to make it my thing to do ... in 1001 days start date: now! so this year i'm making a list. i will keep editing them and putting them in order as i go, suggestions welc...
Posted by Gaberlunzi on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 02:06:00 PST

A time to live

**looking over at pic** god i miss my hair :) going to have to  grow it long again :) ok, so what i've been up to, lots of afternoon baths and reading by candle light, its great this time of year...
Posted by Gaberlunzi on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 06:16:00 PST

I dunno

its that time again, and i guess i didn't make my 365 post per year, but i recon i did 12 and thats a start :) one a month. truth is i dont' have much to say, been nice and busy behind the scenes and...
Posted by Gaberlunzi on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 10:48:00 PST

Chess :)

well hello, its been such a long time coming, and I'm sure that I'm not the first person to open up a blog with such a drab statement :) but there it is and i can't take it back  :) Well exact...
Posted by Gaberlunzi on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 10:21:00 PST

This Ganzey load of rabbit muff :)

had to get your attention some how :) This infinity. Space and Silence. In the winter's sun, metaphors of rain drop down. Does time wear a coat like mine? With holes and scars and memory's. Each on...
Posted by Gaberlunzi on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 09:18:00 PST

do people really write blogs everyday?

I just can't seem to manage it even when i try a little more. But bloggin every day is something else, I respect those who do it, know full well how much time you gotta spend to write a decent one. I'...
Posted by Gaberlunzi on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 03:20:00 PST

all looking good, looking forward, for good looking people

Hello again, its been a good long while since I've made one of these. Moving out of my flat in town at moment, gotta get back to the suburbs and do some writing, I miss the sea air. Its going to be a...
Posted by Gaberlunzi on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 06:01:00 PST

Dream watch... 2007

 2007 The dream, All over the place, mainly on a big estate, there is a golf course here, and one of my friends Ray used to be the gardener (Ray was never a gardener  well not the ray that was ...
Posted by Gaberlunzi on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 03:50:00 PST

a drunkers dream if i ever did see one...

Hello Ronan here, i'm passing the pc to john... this is him...(its 7am sat morn) hello friends and freeks, we have returned.  from where! you might ask but i'm afraid thats for us and us only.&nb...
Posted by Gaberlunzi on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 11:28:00 PST

For the festive goers, and the summer squdiging

The rain came beautifully down, Showers and sheets adorned the ground, Puddles impaled in mother earths cavities, All around me she sounds off singing in her shower, Squelching in the spongy grass, gl...
Posted by Gaberlunzi on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 05:03:00 PST