Ronan Gaberlunzi, Hails from Dublin. Singer song writer all around mad front man.
JOhn gaberlunzi, Hails from Dublin also, Singer song writer, all around fantastic guitarist.
2008 see the Debut EP from this Duo "To Penny Arcade", with the blooming of something brand new.
Backing Band:
Daniel, Keith, John and Ronan.
I found this site and i'm going to make it my thing to do ... in 1001 days
start date: now!
so this year i'm making a list. i will keep editing them and putting them in order as i go, suggestions welcome.THE UPDATED LIST**
1- Release Full album(band) happening on the 08.08.08!
2- Release Full album (solo) date pushed back till september
3- Record second album. - currently working on this
4- Give up smoking. COMPLETE! SINCE JANUARY 2008!
5 - Go for a run once a week - Ok I'm slacking on this one
6- read the bible - september 2008...
7- Run a marathon - eh... its a long way... 2009
8- Got for a new years day swim... 2009 eak!!! can i wear a wet suit?
9- eat sushi - Loi is cooking me up some...
10- Learn how to drive & get a licence --- eh 2009?
11- Get published. does releasing the album count?
12- Write 3 short stories
13- swim with dolphins
14- write a play.
15- Act in a production.
16- climb the three highest peaks in Ireland
17- reach the top of the Eiffel Tower.
18- Raise some chickens and not buy eggs for an entire year.
19- make a guitar from scratch.(this is going to be a touch one)
20- Learn how to ski.
21- paint a self portrait.
22- Go horse riding and camp over night like in the wild west.
23- Help strangers out(on going)
24- Set a record for saying yes.(i'll keep you posted on what my record is - on going)
25- Join a football team.
26- Go surfing, & ride a wave.
27- Get a job. COMPLETE :) A REAL ONE :) WOW
28- Learn Spanish/Italian
29- Go one week without using phones. COMPLETE!!!
30- Spend one whole summer day, with a picnic on a beach/hill/cliff fishing and throwing stones into the sea.
31- Touch a famous Knee.
32- walk up croke patrick bare foot. SEPTEMBER 2008
33- Raft down a river in a man made raft.
34- win in chess 20times...
35- Drink 2pints of water a day.
36- Record one song a week on the 8-track(this is going to be the hardest to stick to as i'm very lazy when it comes to putting the track onto CD.)
37- save 20e per week (sounds like an easy one... but trust me its not).
38- Design my own T-shirt range.
39- Become president... or something...
40- Go one week without eating meat.
41- Give blood
42- Read Ulysses (but the link wont' work, just do a google on it -- you can read it online :)
43 -... more to come...
Gaberlunzi and the two penny arcade