Finally met her.................[and one day - if there is a 'heaven' where animals go as well - I hope I meet up again with my two lovely dearly departed hounds, Squeaky and Sadie, my wonderful Siamese cat, Bournville, and the old half-siamese, Zev,or Syrup as I often called her, who grew up with my sons and always ruled the roost].I'd like to meet Howard Devoto, Stephen Fry, Eddie Izzard, Richard O'Brien, and errrrrrrrrrr .... loads of other people I admire. Did meet Joe Strummer a few times and will never forget them!. If I could travel back in time I'd like to meet - my brothers, William S. Burroughs, Marcel Duchamp, Klimt, my paternal grandfather and his brothers who died in the Great War.