I've been working with music recording in one way or another my entier career. As far back as I can remember, i have been interested in the recording of sound. I've seen many advancements in recording technology, but not without drawbacks. The most major advancement, and decline occured when the industry moved to digital recording - a movement of which i played a part. One giant step forward and two giant steps back... Having moved to digital recording, we lost the emotion within the music that analog recording captured and delivered. I'm trying to make amends now.For the past 10 years, I have been working with a new recording technology that brings back the emotion inside the music. I'm part of a small company that makes a music production workstation that is based on Delta Sigma Digital recording (DSD). It's called the Sonoma. (www.superaudiocenter.com). Currently it is being used to record the new Kan'Nal album due out later this year.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Joni Mitchell. Her music has been a strong influence throught my life.