add - message - home I'M HARRIET. But, call me sir if I don't know you. I make horrible first impressions, so give me some time to better present myself. I like pink fuzzy things & when people yell at me. Crowns are fun to wear & wands are fun to wave. I like drawing crossdressers and bondage. I listen to Whigfield and I'm proud! I've always known I'd be a bank robber when I grew up so judge all you want ladies & gentlemen, because you never did really become an astronaut. My hair is eating my face most of the time. I talk about random crap. But it's always fun. I don't know why I say stuff most of the time. But that's fun too.The first rule of Millets is you do not talk about Millets The second rule of Millets is you DO NOT talk about Millets!Gerard Way Has acknowledged the bra.A city built on rock 'n' roll would be structurally unsound. I love Russel Brand only because of the neckscarf and the innuendos about rape. My dreams of becoming a pirate are still present. I wish I had the hair texture of a Japanese Boy. The Kinks had a better name than The Beatles. I hate Sundays. They remind me of Monday morning school and songs of fucking praise. I have always wanted to get banned from cheap, high street stores for making sex noises in the display tents. I don't really like public transport... but seeing old people fall over when the bus abruptly stops is pretty hilarious. Lol Hayley