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How confident are you that 2009 will be a great year for you?
I am curious; which one of the following sounds like your life:
* My life is filled with abundance and amazing pleasure.
* When I want something I am able to go out there and get it.
* I feel highly respected and admired by those around me.
* I am rarely ever frustrated or overwhelmed.
* When conflict or challenges come my way, I am able to easily deal with them and frequently get the outcome that I want.
* I am completely satisfied with my life.
The truth is, very few of us can honestly relate to two or more of those. The vast majority of us can only relate to one, or none of those. And so in order to feel better about ourselves and the life we currently have, we make excuses or look at the outside world and point a accusing finger as if it/they are to blame. And unfortunately many of us believe that we might never actually attain what we truly desire in our lives.
I know I sure did, once upon a time.
You could fill a modest apartment up with the books and CDs and materials I went through trying to unlock the secret to how people attain the kind of life I wanted. I tried so many things that I actually started getting pissed off when I heard "positive thinking" again and again. I recall actually yelling at a CD one time, "POSITIVE THINKING DOES NOT WORK!!!"
So I excepted that maybe I just lacked what it would take to live the life that I really wanted.
But all of that changed after a period of months of sitting down and talking to various people who were living the life that I desired. I noticed that things about them were very much alike. I do not just mean that they were all wealthy, I am talking about things they had in common in their beliefs and behaviors and the way they did things. I heard streams of thought coming from their mouths that echoed each other, even though they did not personally know each other.
In short, I cracked the code that unlocked answers that had eluded me for years!
So I began trying new things out, testing things, and writing my experiences from that in my journal. And within a year of doing all of that I was actually living the life that I wanted. I LOVED who I was for the first time in as far back as I can remember. I had the respect of people around me, the ability to be an influence on people, and an abundant life that was fulfilling in every level I had been lacking in.
And as corny as it might sound to you, I became a big believer in "Pay It Forward." I had been truly blessed in my life, and I did not get there alone so I did not want to keep my knowledge to myself. I wanted to share my knowledge with the world, touch the lives of people I may never meet face to face.
And since 2004 I have done exactly that for people all over this planet! So even if I die tomorrow, I have changed thousands of lives already and their changes will inspire changes in other people, and those people will inspire still others. So a part of me will live on past my own lifetime and that gives me one thing that I never imagined possible: A Legacy.
Not bad for a guy who was kicked out of High School for ditching too much, huh?
Now with the amazing reach of MySpace, capable people like YOU get an opportunity to get my knowledge on getting and keeping the same things that I have in my life. Including:
* Financial abundance!
* Amazing relationships!
* Freedom to do almost anything and go anywhere!
* Solid mental and emotional wealth!
* Respect of others and a powerful influence!
* Complete and satisfying love of who you are!
I used to think money would solve all my problems, but then I unleashed my true potential and found that financial wealth alone does not solve all the problems I thought it would. There is more, and when you get those other things handled, the money comes easier and more frequently anyway! I am now living my bliss, and I absolutely want to help you live yours!
"Unleashing The Phoenix" is a MUST HAVE for anyone, MAN OR WOMAN, who wants to take charge of their life, or wants that extra edge in this competitive world!

(click image below to learn more)

Attracting Beautiful Women Just Got a Lot Easier! You look over and there she is...
Your eyes take in the features of this beautiful woman...her face...those eyes...that body...
And then it happens....
There is a nervousness in your stomach, a racing in your heart, and your mind fills with panic thoughts...
"What should I say to her?"
"Would she even talk to me?"
"What if I sound like an idiot to her?"
"What if other people see me bomb and laugh at me?"

Without ever finding out what might have happened, you give in to your fear and turn away...letting the moment go forever.
You walk up to the intersection and you see her standing there....
Your eyes observe how her jeans fit her body...the way she runs her hand through her long hair...
She has to wait for the light to turn green, you have a chance to say something...
And then it happens...
That familiar nervous feeling in your stomach, that racing in your heart, and those familiar panic thoughts...
"What if she thinks I'm a weirdo?"
"She probably has a boyfriend."
"I can't think of anything to say."
And before you can work up the courage to approach her, the light has changed and she walks away and out of your life...forever.
You step out of the store and she walks in your direction...
But you took too long trying to think of something to say, she walks right by...another opportunity gone.
Today you laugh as you reflect back on those past experiences, at how hard it was for you to even have the nerve to talk to beautiful women.
And as you smile at how those painful days are gone forever, you see her...
Her beautiful hair...that gorgeous face...that incredible body...
Without even having to think about it you walk up to her, a confident smile fills your face as your words grab her attention and her eyes widen with interest. Within moments you are both talking like you have known each other for years. You make plans to meet later, and she leaves you with a lingering brush of her hand across your arm and a wink.
Ahhh, you love what you can accomplish with beautiful women!
Hello my friend,
My name is Michael "Bishop" Emery.
When it comes to attracting beautiful women, I have discovered for a fact that it can be done, and done very powerfully, without any rehearsed pick-up lines, canned routines or tricks, and it really does not matter what you look like or what your financial wealth level is. It all comes down to creating a solid connection with women. And it's not about having power over women, it's about having power with women. When you know how to create and build that kind of connection with women, you will never again experience a "dry spell" and you will live a life filled with beautiful women and fulfilling relationships that has nothing to do with "luck" and everything to do with having the right skills. No matter if you want to get better at approaching women, knowing how to talk to them, or get them powerfully attracted to you, I want to help. I have helped so many guys become so skilled at having beautiful women in their lives, I even put a guarantee on it. If my e-course "The Fire of Seduction" doesn't work for you, I will give you your money back! I do not mean just 30 days from now or even 6 months from now... I will give you an entire YEAR to learn my secrets and if you feel it did not work for you I will still give you your money back. I'll take all the risk because I know my stuff works for everyone! Most guys are clueless about what women want in a man and what really attracts them. So even if you learn just a few chapters from "The Fire of Seduction" you will have a better chance with beautiful women than most guys! Imagine how that will feel! Better yet, here is a couple of free chapter samples just to get you started!

Grab your copy now, she's waiting for you....
Remember, I will even give you a ONE FULL YEAR Money Back Guarantee!
Here are what other guys have said after using "The Fire of Seduction."
"Great use of examples and detailed explainations. This is what I was hoping other seduction products would be!
Felix Garner
Dallas, Texas
"...Solid and unique! The section 'Bishop's Blueprint' by itself was worth the price! What made this so much easier for me, was that Michael writes as if he is speaking right to me. So many other people in this field are vague, where Michael was very detailed. And the audio parts were the most unique and helpful recordings I have ever heard! Customer for life!"
J. Peterson.
Kingston, Massachusetts
"I never saw myself as someone attractive women wanted. I have had some dates, but I actually had only 2 girlfriends my whole life. 'The fire of seduction' came along at the right time. What you say in the audio did something to me. I can not explain it, but something just clicked on. And before I even read half the book, I was able to approach attractive women much easier. Last night, I enjoyed the very first time I ever made out with a really attractive woman. You are a God!"
W. I.
Newport Beach, California
"The most complete and effective materiel in the topic of seduction, I personally feel. I was expecting quite a bit, and Michael delivered. And more so. There are many things to highlight, I struggle where to begin....Just a few days upon completion of the book and audio, I proudly found myself with a situation. From having used his technique of 'P.A.I.D.' I found three, single, and quite stunning women, behaving like competitive school girls. They each were attempting to outshine the other, all for my attention. Surely an onlooker saw the look of amazement upon my face. Michael's 'The Fire of Seduction' is pure magic. Truly!"
Daniel. E.
United Kingdom
"...Thanks to fire of seduction, I am like a kid in a candy store! I wish this was around when I was in college....I would continue on, but I have to get ready for another hot date. I would tell everyone about this book, but I do not want the competition."
Miami, Florida
"....The Fire Of Seduction is a masterpiece! There are an ocean of seduction books, but this one is like a life raft! Lots of high quality teaching, written in a way I found easy to integrate. Now my friends never stand a chance with me around. Nice change of roles."
J. Allan.
Melbourne, Australia
"Genius stuff! It was easier than I thought!"
Kevin G.
Chicago, Illinois
"...I have listened to the audio so much, I can almost lip sync to what Michael says. He has created something so incredible, I have never been so motivated...I have been reading some of the book, then using it that night...And the chapter called 'journal entries' blows me away! The other night I used some things from 'journal entries' and it actually does work! I had no doubt, but it is great to see it happen for myself! You are truly Superman!"
Nathan. P.
Seattle, Washington
"...what I can do with women now is insane, thanks to you! I used to be so weak at getting dates and now I have no less than 3 new dates with beautiful women every week! I seriously would have paid five times as much for "The Fire of Seduction" and still felt I got my money's worth!"
Andrew McDonald
Aukland, New Zealand
"Having hired Michael for a personal consultation last year, I know he is the real thing. Having now gone through "The Fire of Seduction," I can say that it is the best alternative, to having the man in person. He shares his very best knowledge, including some material not covered in the consultation. I was pleased with him face to face, and I am just as pleased with 'The Fire of Seduction.' The man is a genius!"
G. C.
Las Vegas, Nevada
"It was a great read and strong learning advancement for me. Using what you teach I am now in an incredibly satisfying relationship. She even told me she always hoped a guy like me really existed. A guy like me! I never thought I would ever hear a woman say that!"
Mitchel S.
Los Angeles, California
In seduction you're either a master of it or a slave to it! Period!
Unleash what she is waiting for! Now!
Here Are Other People Just Like YOU Who Got The Edge Through New-Alpha:
"Unleashing The Phoenix is incredible! I saw improvements right away. I feel like a whole new man!
~Kevin H.
Atlanta, Georgia
"The Fire of Seduction is different than the other products I have tried. It is very detailed and easy to understand. It has been very easy for me to read some chapters, and then go out there and have it work! I have much better success with women. I have 4 different women I am currently dating now"
~Victor S.
"(Unleashing The Phoenix) is unique and will make you think. A well made adventure for the mind."
~ Leonard Kilbourne, PhD
United Kingdom
"I owe my success with women to The Fire of Seduction. Other products were quite complicated, there was just too much to remember. The Fire of Seduction was easy and fun as well!"
~Walter P.
United Kingdom
"Everything you need to know to take control of your life, is in Unleashing The Phoenix and Fire of Seduction. I had struggled for many years, trying very hard to improve my life. But just when I thought things were improving, there was always a crash! I struggled with depression and was 55 pounds overweight. I was addicted to pain killers. I was alone with no skills at all with pretty women. I was always the friend but never the lover. Now my life is solid! I was able to stop needing anti-depressants and pain killers. I got myself back into shape. I make money doing what I love doing. I have a beautiful home. I date some very beautiful women. I am more happy now than I can ever recall at any other time in my life! Michael is my savior, and his products are like Bibles! If a former mess-up like me can now have a wonderful life, it just make sense that anyone else can too."
~Ken T.
"Michael you are amazing! Your products are intelligent and deeply powerful. And your humor made the whole thing a fun experience!
~Elaine D.
New York
"Amazing stuff! I'm changing myself in ways I never realized were problems in my life!"
~ Brad Hicks
Las Vegas, Nevada
"....The Fire Of Seduction is a masterpiece! There are an ocean of seduction books, but this one is like a life raft! Lots of high quality teaching, written in a way I found easy to integrate. Now my friends never stand a chance with me around. Nice change of roles."
~J. A.
Melbourne, Australia
"I was always the type to hope for things to improve, but never managed to make them work. ' Unleashing The Phoenix' has changed all of that. I went from one dead end job after another, to actually starting my own business. I'm finally doing it! Thank you, Michael!"
~ Jamie Ekles
Temecula, California
"No question, the most fun I've ever had improving my life! Forget those other self-help books and seminars, this guy will speak to you in this book! Buy it for someone you really care about, they will thank you forever!"
~ Faustino Negesina
Boca Raton, Florida
"Michael's humor, knowledge, and insights make this book an incredible experience! I now feel I have control over my life, and I'm actually comfortable with who I am becoming."
~ Cynthia Oaks
Lakemont, Georgia
"For me Unleashing The Phoenix had exactly what it took! I went from a guy who was afraid to stand my ground, to a man that gets results! Some of my closest friends have been amazed at how much of a presence I have now. And recently I quit my dead end job and have successfully started the business I have dreamed of! I value this product endlessly!"
~Lionel G.
"Honestly, I started this book expecting very little. I thought I would find just a couple good things, but not much else. I was so wrong! I found so much inside 'Unleashing The Phoenix' to help me in ways I didn't realize I needed the help. It was like Michael was writing just for me and my exact obstacles. I am changed in ways I never realized before."
~ Kelly Lloyd
Beverly Hills, California
"Where did Michael L. Emery come from? This guy brings solid learning in a way that's pretty cool. I thought I was already doing pretty good in my life. But after reading 'Unleashing The Phoenix' I learned some ways to make my life even better! I give this book my highest recommendation!"
~ David Nestar
Sharon Springs, New York
"My mother and I have not had the best relationship. But after she saw how different my life had become, she asked me how it happened. I told her about 'Unleashing The Phoenix' and read her (some chapters). Then she started reading the book, and made some changes in her life too. I'm finally going to college and getting my degree, and I'm having the happiest relationship with my mom in years! And my mom is finally opening the flower shop she used to only talk about starting. From both us, we thank you endlessly, Michael, for writing 'Unleashing The Phoenix.' You helped us more than you will ever know!"
~ Kattie & Elaine L.
(last name and location witheld at their request)
"This guy is scary! Many times in the book, he mentions things that describe my life with chilling accuracy! His detailed and sometimes funny information, made me eager to follow his advice and see what changes my life would have. I am so glad that I read “Unleashing The Phoenix” because I never realized what I already had in me.”
~ Belinda Shulman
Mosman, Australia
“Top notch material. This book is going to change lives. Michael has a style that is both friendly and arrogant, yet he uses it to deliver something truly spectacular. Buy this book and get yourself unleashed!”
~ Glen Rome
Henderson, Nevada
"Every so often, I find something that works for me. 'Unleashing The Phoenix' wasn't one of those things at first. I stopped reading after only a few chapters. I let a friend of mine have it, and he was able to do what I couldn't, make it work...So I talked him into letting me read it again. Man, was I ever wrong! I was so stubborn to change, that I wasn't giving the book a fair chance...But today I am no longer that whiny and complaining wimp I used to deny being...It would be no exaggeration to say that I feel reborn! Thank you a million times over, Michael. I'm sorry I ever doubted you."
~ Randell Westerman
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
"...Solid and unique! The section 'Bishop's Blueprint' by itself was worth the price! What made this so much easier for me, was that Michael writes as if he is speaking right to me. So many other people in this field are vague, where Michael was very detailed. And the audio parts were the most unique and helpful recordings I have ever heard! Customer for life!"
~J. P.
Kingston, Massachusetts
"I never saw myself as someone attractive women wanted. I have had some dates, but I actually had only 2 girlfriends my whole life. 'The fire of seduction' came along at the right time. What you say in the audio did something to me. I can not explain it, but something just clicked on. And before I even read half the book, I was able to approach attractive women much easier. Last night, I enjoyed the very first time I ever made out with a really attractive woman. You are a God!"
~W. I.
Newport Beach, California
"The most complete and effective materiel in the topic of seduction, I personally feel. I was expecting quite a bit, and Michael delivered. And more so. There are many things to highlight, I struggle where to begin....Just a few days upon completion of the book and audio, I proudly found myself with a situation. From having used his technique of 'P.A.I.D.' I found three, single, and quite stunning women, behaving like competitive school girls. They each were attempting to outshine the other, all for my attention. Surely an onlooker saw the look of amazement upon my face. Michael's 'The Fire of Seduction' is pure magic. Truly!"
~D. E.
United Kingdom
"...Thanks to fire of seduction, I am like a kid in a candy store! I wish this was around when I was in college....I would continue on, but I have to get ready for another hot date. I would tell everyone about this book, but I do not want the competition."
~B. T.
Miami, Florida
"...I have listened to the (Fire of Seduction) audio so much, I can almost lip synch to what Michael says. He has created something so incredible, I have never been so motivated...I have been reading some of the book, then using it that night...And the chapter called 'journal entries' blows me away! The other night I used some things from 'journal entries' and it actually does work! I had no doubt, but it is great to see it happen for myself! You are truly Superman!"
~N. P.
Seattle, Washington
"Having hired Michael for a personal consultation last year, I know he is the real thing. Having now gone through "The Fire of Seduction," I can say that it is the best alternative, to having the man in person. He shares his very best knowledge, including some material not covered in the consultation. I was pleased with him face to face, and I am just as pleased with 'The Fire of Seduction.' The man is a genius!"
~G. C.
Las Vegas, Nevada
Take charge and HAVE the things you desire, and never again watch someone else have what COULD have been yours!
The greatest gift you give yourself or anyone else, is the gift of a fulfilling life. Let New-Alpha help you achieve that gift!
Who I Am And Where I'm Coming From
My name is Michael. Most people know me as "Bishop" the Seduction guy. And because of my reputation as a Master of Seduction, it is assumed that I am a "player" and that I manipulate and/or "trick" women into bed.
But the truth is, to me there is a difference between seduction, and someone who is looking to use women. Typical seduction is to "entice into wrong doing." MY style of seduction is to be a temptation, by being different than the typical guy that women are used to meeting. Different in ways that are NATURALLY a part of who I am.
And to me, seduction is not just about sex!Only a "Pick Up Artist" uses seduction for sex!
In fact, sex is actually not on my mind at all when I first meet a woman. To me, seduction is about giving a woman an incredible, and sometimes emotionally fulfilling, experience. An experience that she wishes guys knew how to provide...yet far too often she is left disappointed.
She is left disappointed because most guys are just doing whatever it will take to get her naked and into bed with him.
And she knows it...she knows it from the moment a typical guy (or "Marklar" as I call them) approaches her.
And the more physically attractive the woman is, the more this is true.
The kind of guys a beautiful woman wants to approach her, are too intimidated by her beauty to approach. And the guys who DO approach her, almost always turn out to be very disappointing before too long.
That's where I come in!
I do not have movie star quality looks...I am not built like a Greek God...and I am not a Billionaire.
What I am is a man who has NO FEAR approaching ANY woman...I am a man who KNOWS how to capture and hold a woman's attention...I am a man who is a MASTER of touching a woman on a deep level. Perhaps deeper than she has ever been touched in her life!
And I do it all without "pick-up lines" or any of the other things most guys think it takes to attract women. I do it all by being myself, being who I am!
"But I've tried being myself and it doesn't work!"
Actually, it was not you being yourself. It was you being who you thought you had to be, in order to attract women.
The fact is, you already have EVERYTHING within you, to attract the quality women that you long to spend time with.
Need proof?
Okay, here is proof...
At some point far, Far, FAR back in History, a relative of yours MUST have attracted and mated with a woman. Then their child (or children) must have also accomplished the same did their children...and their children...and...well, you get where I'm going here?
The point I am making is that if ANY of your past relatives had failed EVEN ONCE to attract a woman, you could not possibly exist right now!
So unless you think you are less intelligent and less capable than your caveman ancestors, you will have to agree that you possess the natural ability to attract women!
The challenge however, is that you just might not be using these natural parts of yourself in the right way.
For almost 10 years now, I have been showing guys the right way. And the results have been SPECTACULAR!
Believe me
, when you get this part of yourself handled, the sex stuff will take cares of itself!
And here is something that might surprise you, coming from a Master of Seduction...
I have respect for women.
I never use them, because that's for insecure wussies!
I value women, and I enjoy spending time with them.
But I am VERY picky when it comes to which women I will give my time to.
That's right, I am picky.
My reality is NOT one of "Gee, I hope she likes me" but is instead one of "I wonder if she has anything else going for her besides her looks?"
To me, beauty earns a woman very few points. She had no control over her looks. Her parent's genes decided how she would look.
So what attracts ME, are things she DOES have control over. Things like...her sense of humor....her intelligence...her outlook on life...her ambitions...her creativity...her thirst for new learnings and understandings...her level of respect and class around others...and of course, her ability to have fun!
And because I am picky, that ends up attracting women even MORE!
They like the challenge of me being a challenge.
Now you know who I am, and where I am coming from!
So if you are a guy looking to me to help you trick women into bed, you will need to find someone else to teach you that shit!
I teach guys how to be MEN. And as men, I teach them how to communicate and interact with beautiful women in a way that attracts them!
Me In The Media!
Hiring Me For a Consultation
I make myself available for men and women to hire me for consultations, on unlocking and unleashing the more productive sides of yourself, so you can maximize the success that you desire!
I also do consultations for guys on attracting and interacting with the kind of quality women you want in your life.
For more details, including costs, visit this page:
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"Faces of Attraction"
Right NOW!

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My Blog

Attracting Beautiful Women Just Got a Lot Easier!

You look over and there she is... Your eyes take in the features of this beautiful woman...her face...those eyes...that body... And then it happens.... There is a nervousness in your stomach, a r...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 10:34:00 GMT

Her Eyes: More Than Just Windows To The Soul

I was sitting down talking with a woman today, and as part of my consult, I let the guy sit nearby so he can see what I'm doing and so he can hear how I'm talking/what I'm saying to the woman. This ...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 21:02:00 GMT

The Female Totem & "Freaky Friday"

Whenever I see a group of women I'm considering approaching, one of the first things I want to learn is, which one's the Leader of the group, and which one's the lowest in their totem pole group. In...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 20:59:00 GMT

The "Click" of Success With Women

The secret to the success that you want, is something that will make you go, "Oh, of course!" once you read it here.So as you read this blog carefully, be prepared for something interesting to happ...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 20:48:00 GMT

"Million Dollar Mind" Gift & First Contacts

Plucked from the New-Alpha Mailbag"I am going through both books of yours, and I have a question. I have made progress with who I hang around, and what I let get to me. But how do you compete with t...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 20:35:00 GMT

Projection & Reflection

I'm going to ask you a question, and then ask you to give it some serious thought before answering it to yourself.My question is this: How sure are you that the presence and image you want to projec...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 20:31:00 GMT