IndieFlix - :: "Salsa Lessons"
IndieFlix - :: "Salsa Lessons"
Get the film!
IndieFlix - :: "107 Street"
IndieFlix - :: "107 Street"
IndieFlix - :: "Salsa Lessons"
Get the film!
IndieFlix - :: "107 Street"
The videos on top here are from some videos I've done and there are also scenes from both of my movies. I will have more videos soon here!I would like to meet people that are doing what they want to do. We didn't come into this world or were thrown into this world to work 9 to 5.Once you realize that your life begins. Have courage and like the Nike commercial says "just do it!"If right at this moment a being comes up to you and says "This life that you have lived up to now you will live over and over again." what would you say? Well, if you haven't lived your life then you will see that being as a monster but if you done what you wanted to do in life then you would see that being as a God and you will just smile! Whats the point to the story? Live your life!