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HotFreeLayouts games layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments Styles P, Papoose, & Lupe Fiasco - The Cipher
" Selekt's form of expression is to be spread to the masses,and once that level is reached,all will feel at ease because they are free."//////////EXCERPtS FROM WRITINGS OF SElEKt730 Aka The Last Poet////////////////"i Always Knew i was meant for hip hop,and hip hop was mean't for me, growing up in a caribbean island you dont get much exposure to the Hip Hop movement, especially back in '92-'94,but i always had a connection with it na mean, beginning my journey with it through spanish hip hop, Vico-C was one of the first i used to rock to,then i followed both english hip hop and reggae when i came to the states, i started picking up on Wu-tang clan, REdman,Kool G. rAp,Big L, Jay-z,Ect(too many to mention),then around the year 2000 was when i picked up a beatmaking software from circuit city and made my first beat, at the age of 15,then i fell in luv with beatmaking and i made it a hobbie and it eventually became an addiction,but i never did too much writing or freestyle,until the summer of 2003, i was driving with ma brother blazin' and i started kicking a freestyle, i zoned out to the point i shocked ma self, and then it became a nonstop thang.Now this days i have blended together the poetry and the rhythim composure skills i've developed over the years to create a Bomb(lol) that when detonated, IT'LL SHATTER YA FU***N EARDRUMS."Interview wit Selekt 12/23/06