The Incredibly Long Survey About You (T.I.L.S.A.Y.) by blue_lightning_angel
Name: Kerry
Age: 32
Sex: female
Date of Birth: 13/10/75
Hair Color: Purple
Eye Color: Blue
Race: White
Favorite. . .
Color(s): Black,Red, Bright Pink,silver,
Food: Chinese,Japanese,Indian,Italian
Drink: too
Television Show: errrrrm??
Movie: Pirates of the Carribean
Song: Loads of favourite songs!!!
Artist: Dunno!!
Place to be: on a beach
Stuffed animal: lol..what?
Pet: Dog
Person: Meeeeeee
Game: Space Invaders.
Clothing brand/style: muh cheapo jeans..lmao!!
What do you want in the opposite sex?
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Tatoos: yes
Peircings: yes
Body Type: wel built..yuckkk sorry don't like skinny!!hehehe sorry!!
Do they have to be rich?: No
Do they have to be popular?: No
Personality or Looks?: Both
This or that?
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocolate
Black or White: Black
Cats or Dogs: Dogs
Sink or Swim: Swim
Lake or Ocean: Ocean
Night or Day: Night
Half Full or Half Empty: Half Full
Desktops or Laptops: Laptops
Playstation or Xbox:
Summer or Winter: Summerrrrrrrrr!!!!
Cold or Warm: Warm
Cowboys or Indians: Cowboys..Yeeeeehawwwwww!!
Lover or Fighter: Lover
Car or Truck: Car
Cup or Glass: Cup
Fork or Spoon: Fork
Walking or Running: Walking
The Fast or The Furious: The Fast
What do you think of when I say. . .
Soup: errrrrm??
Wardrobe Malfunction: What???Lmao!!
Heaven: Angels
Hell: Fire
Cucumber: nothin
Salad: yummy
Big Mac: else??
Sexy: OOOWW Matron!!..hahahaha!!
Pirates: ha haaaaa Jim Lad
Beautiful: awwwwwwwww
Lion: Roarrrrrrr
Blues Clues: RUFF RUFF!!
Rainbow: i see a rainbow
Cloud: fluffy:-D
Rapper: M&M
Gangsta: Robert DeNiro??
White and Nerdy: LmAO
Lolli pop: Slurp!!
Wave: waving
Fad: what????
Aliens: errrrrrm
Survey: oh Gawd!!!
Do you or have you ever had. . .
A piercing: Yes
A tattoo: Yes
A sibling: Yes 2
Parents that are still together: Yes
A boyfriend/girlfriend: Nope
A husband/wife: Yes
A child: Yes ..2 actually
A really wild party while your parents were away?: Meeeeee NOOOO Never!!
An alcoholic beverage: Yes of course..lmao
A pet of your own: Yes i have 2
A house of your own: Yes
A car of your own: MY Car but hubby Drives
An iPod: yes
Do you. . .
Smoke: Yes too many.hahahaha!!
Drink: Uh huh!! (Grins)
Do drugs: No
Hug on the first date: Yes..when i wasn't married of
Kiss on the first date: Yes..when i wasn't married
'Do it' on the first date: HELL NO!!!
Shower Daily: I Promise i will when the shower is connected..LMAO
Brush your teeth daily: Yes
Keep your room clean: of course:-D ..i'm a very tidy person..hehehe
Do all your homework: hahaha@ homework ..i did about 16 years ago!!
Plan on going to college:'m way too old
Do you believe in. . .
God/Heaven: Yes
Satan/Hell: hmmmmmmmm??
Ghosts: Yes
Aliens: No Don't be daft..Lol
Witches/wizards: Nope
Magic: Kind of
Big Foot/Sasquatch/Abominable Snowmen: Big foot...yerrr right!!
The past life: Uh Huh
Global Warming: yep
Humanism: think so
Scienceology: dunno??
Hinduism: yes
Buddism: yes
Taoism: what???
Wiccaism: Not Sure
What's your middle name?: Oh Crikey!! do i have to mention the middle name??
Have any Nicknames?: Keza, Kez
What is your favorite name?: well i Dunno ..never really thought that much about it!
What do you wish your name was?: I'm Quite happy with this one
What is your favorite season?: SSSSSSummerrrrrr!!
Do you drink alot of water?: yes
Do you have a pet?: 2 ..a dog and a hamster
Do you have a computer at your house?: on earth could i do this survey without a flippin puter huh???
Do you live in an apartment, house, trailor or other?: house
Favorite place to chill?: In the Bath..hehehe! wiv plenty of bubblessssss!!
Favorite place to visit?: Australia
Ever have an imaginary friend?: Nope
If so, what was their name?:
Ever eaten something really disgusting?: a dog biscuite..lmao..does that count??
Do you work out?: I do Salsa Dancing..believe me thats working out ..lmao!whew!!
Have you ever gotten arrested?: no
If so, for what?:
Have you ever cheated on someone?: no
Has anyone ever cheated on you?: no
Have you ever kissed a stranger?: uh huh..shhhhh don't tell anyone..Lmao!
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?: uh huh...not saying who..hahahaha!!
have you ever gotten drunk?: Hell Yes!!
Could you ever be a vegitarian?: Yes
Can you sing?: errrrrrm yes..very good too so i've been
Can you dance?: Uh Huh
Can you draw, paint, color well?: yes all 3
Do you have a job?: no
Do you like tape?: whatttt??
Do you like glue?: ummmm no
Can you solve a Rubik's Cube?: Lmao!! course not!!
How did you like this survey?: Super!!
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