First of all the name was a nickname of mine in highschool and the only thing most people recgognize, others include Ken Doll, Pretty boy, Raymer, Alex and of course David. I am 19 about six feet tall and have blonde hair.I am just a good old countryboy who likes to spend most of my time hanging with my boys. I'm a bit of a romantic , but a little shy. I will never give up or admit when I am wrong. I am very smart and enjoy intelectual conversation. But most of all i like to have fun and live in the moment( but that is how I usually end up in trouble). I like everybody.
So if ya think the same way hit me up and we will chill.
D Dreamy
A Awesome
V Valiant
I Innocent
D Devious
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Name Acronym Generator
Take the quiz: "Which Laguna Beach Character are You?"
You are a chick magnet! Not AS rich but hella hot and very popular. You like spending your extra time hooking up or at the beach... or hooking up at the beach.
You're a Romantic Kisser
For you, kissing is all about feeling the romance
You love to kiss under the stars or by the sea
The perfect kiss involves the perfect mood
It's pretty common for kisses to sweep you off your feet
What Kind of Kisser Are You?
The Keys to Your Heart
You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.
In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.
You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance.
Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.
In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily.
What Are The Keys To Your Heart?
You Are the Helper
You always put on a happy face and try to help those around you.You're incredibly empathetic and care about everyone you know.Able to see the good in others, you're thoughtful, warm, and sincere.You connect with people who are charming and charismatic.
What number are you?