6 Foot Swing profile picture

6 Foot Swing

About Me

. FOR A COMPLETE LISTING OF 6 FOOT SWING GIGS AND UPCOMING PERFORMANCES, CLICK HERE . . SWING IS IN THE AIR Pacific Northwest Inlander by RACHEL SIEMENS Publication Date: 5/16/07 * Smoky back rooms, jangly piano and finger curls... a little moonshine and a few rounds on the dance floor to ease your working blues... speakeasies, gangsters, and zoot suits — the 1930s was a time of intense glamour, intrigue and romance. If only there was some way people nowadays could experience that same blend of decadence and despair... * Well, there is. Right in our own backyard, a storm has been a-brewin' in the form of a burgeoning swing-jazz scene. Spokane natives 6' Swing bridge the gap between 1930 and 2007 with surprisingly contemporary, vintage swing jazz. It's a seeming oxymoron the band pulls off and pulls off well. With the horn section blaring and the piano skipping and jumping over singer Heather O'Brien's smoky voice, the melodic hum of the upright bass and the metallic buzz of the washboard, 6' Swing's music is an intoxicating, driving assemblage. * Comments About 6 Foot Swing: "Dear 6 foot swing, Thank you for helping to make my mom's 80th birthday party a truly memorable event. As you could see, she loves to dance and your music was just perfect for her. You are incredible musicians and thank you so much for being willing to play the special requests for her."In the Mood" was my mom & dad's song that they danced to when they were dating and a favorite throughout their lives until he passed away. "Can I have this dance?" is the song that my mom and her new husband Al share. It was really special for her to have both of those songs at her party.After the crowd started thinning out and it was mostly family, we enjoyed just sitting back and listening to your music. A perfect night.All the best, Glenna Mileson" ~3/29/08 *found this retro layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com :: MyHotComments Please enjoy our photo slideshow!

My Interests


Member Since: 23/12/2006
Band Members: Heather O'Brien - (lead vocals) Mary Chavez - (piano) Patrick Morgan - (upright bass) "Papa Scrubs" Flanery - (washboard) Jared Hall (trumpet) Steve Bauer- (rhythm/lead guitar) Dayan Kai- (clarinet, sax, flute, piano, guitar) Some Guest Artists Include: Garrin Hertel - (rhythm guitar & vocals) Kim Plezniac - (upright bass) Bruce Pennell -(upright bass) Michael Lenke - (trumpet) Andrew Wilson - (violin, guitar) Brian Flick - (upright bass)

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My Blog

Switching to FACEBOOK for posting gigs and inviting fans

Hey fans and friends,Becuase our myspace page has always been a fun tool, but not quite as effective and useful as our facebook account, we will no longer be posting gigs and events here. In the futur...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Feb 2009 20:47:00 GMT

Thanks Pacific Inlander Readers!

We just wanted to shout out a BIG THANKS to all the Pacific NW Inlander readers for voting us 1 BEST BAND in the 2008 Readers Poll. We are truly honored and humbled. Thanks so much! Rest assured, we w...
Posted by on Thu, 08 May 2008 15:03:00 GMT

New CD "6 Foot Swing LIVE!" cd release party Dec. 19th!

Hey 6 Footers! We've got a little present for all our fans out there, a gift whether you've been naughty or nice.... a NEW CD rarin' to go, and just in time for CHRISTMAS! "6 Foot Swing LIVE!" ...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 18:12:00 GMT

UK & Ireland 6Swing fans: were coming to visit!!! Come meet us!

Hey all you 6'Footers (6'Swing fans) in the UK, and Ireland: The lead singer from 6'Swing, Heather O'Brien and the washboard player, Jamie "Papa Scrubs" Flanery will be visiting Ireland Sept. 22 - Oct...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 23:16:00 GMT

Debut CD Released May 24th!

6'Swing is excited to announce the release of our debut cd, "Swingin' on South Downing Court." CDs will be $10.00, and available to purchase at most of our gigs, or by contacting bandleader@6footswing...
Posted by on Mon, 14 May 2007 23:31:00 GMT

Book 6' Swing for parties, events, etc.

How to get in touch w/ 6' Swing for bookings:email: [email protected] parties, dances, nightclubs, coffee houses, weddings, corporate events... you name it! We'll swing it!
Posted by on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 01:52:00 GMT