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About Me

I am a goaltender for the Detroit Red Wings and have had a very long career. I had started playing hockey with my grandfather, who originally got me started in hockey. When I was 18 years old I started playing for the Czech Republic Olympic hockey team. I enjoy playing hockey and being with my Wife and son Michael.Jsem brankář pro Detroit Red Wings a měli velmi dlouhou kariéru. Musel jsem začal hrát hokej s mým dědečkem, který původně dostal mě začala v roce hokej. Když mi bylo 18 let jsem začal hrát za Českou republiku olympijský hokejový tým. Rád hraje hokej a je s mojí ženou a synem Michaelem. English

My Interests

Being home with my family, going on vactions all around the world as well as spending time with my son. In my spare time I read or work out

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Hockey night in Canada, ESPN, Sports Center


My Grandfather