Indoor & Beach Volleyball, Zzz, Soccer, Movies, Clubbing, Mahjong , HoNda CiViC, GerS ... ...
aNyOne, tHerE's NO haRm MakiNG NeW friEnds. I believe MaKINg NeW frIenDs EnrIcH mY lIfe anD Make mE a MoRe CoMplete PersON.
Retro, R&B, Oldies & Jay Zhou Jie Lun (",)
LegeNds oF the fAll, forREst gUmp, Lords oF thE rinGs, SaVing PriVate RyAn, TopGun, mY SasSy GiRl, A cHineSe odySSey paRT 2 - CindERalla
Nah..I selDOm Read B00ks, mAGs & coMicS consideReD?