++My InTErEstS iS In My FoOtBaLL CarEeR, Theres No GreAtest FeEliNg ThaN WinNing++
++My BaBY BoO++
++MakE FrieNds++
++ I would like to meet all people around this world coz theres nobody biger or smaller for me..++
++for the celebrities i maybe wanna meet Angelina Jolie, Jessica Alba, Datuk Siti Nurhaliza, TaTa Young, and many more++
++ But The ReaL PErSon I wAnt To MeEt Is My BabY BoO h_ _ _ i++
My friend Space
/// DaniEL_HaiKaL inspiráció ricc /// ~De SouZa~ has 3361 friends.
harry a.k.a harryazilah
||| Tha GodFatHer |||
++I dONT cAre If iTs RocK, HipHop, RnB, Or Emo I lOve All Of TheM ThaT cALL MuSic ThaTS Why i Like to PartY..++
++CasaNovA++ ++ConstANtiNe++ ++LorD oF THe RinGS++ ++InvIscIblE++ ++OceAn TwElves++ ++Mr & Mrs Smith++ ++NaNA TanjuNG++ ++ And Many ElSe ++
++Csi++ ++HouSe++ ++ScrUB++ ++SponGEbOb SQuaREpANtS++ ++PokEMon++
++ AcTuaLLy I Never Ever WilL LovE bOoKs, But ComicS iS RelativeLy wIth BooKS RighT???++ ++PendeKar LAut++ ++AleX The TekKEn++ ++DraGOn BAlL++ ++PubLic EneMy++ ++DraGOnSlaYer++
++I hAve To GivE thIS HeroeS TitLE to mY mothEr And FatHer, ThereS nO One Can Rise Me LikE tHey Do What A gReaT PArenTs I hAve++