Aasha profile picture



About Me

Hellooooo ... I'm Aasha & this is my Myspace! I'm doing an Economics degree at Reading Uni at the moment and working part time as a trainee consultant / doing bar work in Varsity.
I love socialising and going out with my mates ... clubbing, pubbing, bowling, bingo (its cool OK!!), theme parks, concerts, and basically having a laugh! Life is too short so gotta make the most of it!!!
About me? Well ... I'm 5ft3 (midge haha) and like to dye my hair!! I've got 12 piercings & a tattoo on my back (Getting 2 more soon).... I'm pretty crazy and spontanious, and tend to do things without thinking which gets me into trouble haha. I've just picked up the electric guitar again (which my housemates are gonna love me for!!!) and I drive a ford fiesta Zetek! I also love glittery sparkly things haha
I absolutely love travelling and have been lucky enough to go to China, Uganda, India, Florida, California, Greece, Ibiza, Russia, St Lucia, France, Belgium, Italy & Holland. I'm hoping to go travelling in 2009 and go to South America, Australia, Canada, Japan & Thailand among others...

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Pink scribble hearts - Image Hosting

falling hearts

My Interests

Economics haha, My friends & Family, Travelling, Food!, Partying, Hugs & Cuddles, Theme Parks, Shopping, Cherry vodka & coke, Singing in my car to cheesey music, Staying up all night talking about nothing,photographs, Falling asleep in someones arms, inappropriate behaviour, tattoos & piercings, the baywatch theme tune!, fairy lights, glitter balls & lava lamps, cute little teddy bears, MAC, Grill night, Lindt Bunnies

I'd like to meet:

Don't really mind!!! I'm content with what I have - my friends & family are awesome!



5ive, Aerosmith, ACDC, A-Ha, Alice Cooper, Artic Monkeys, Ash, Amy Winehouse, Backstreet Boys, The Beach Boys, The Beatles, Bon Jovi, Cascada, DJ Sammy, Eminem, Enter Shikari, Fallout Boy, The Fratellis, Girls Aloud, Green Day, Groove Coverage, Guns & Roses, Gwen Stefani, Hot Hot Heat, Iron Maiden, Justin Timberlake, Kaiserchiefs, Kasabian, The Killers, Metallica, Michael Jackson, Motley Crue, The Murderdolls, Muse, My Chemical Romance, N.E.R.D., Nine Inch Nails, Oasis, Pendulum, The Prodigy, The Pussycat Dolls, Queen, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, REM, Sean Paul, The Smashing Pumpkins, The Subways, Take That, Usher


Disney & Pixar films rule!!! And so do chick flicks! I'm shit with horror movies now cos i get nightmares lol!


Red Dwarf, Little Britain, Hollyoaks, Family guy, Faulty Towers, The OC, Lost, Saved by the Bell, Big Brother, The search fo the next Pussycat Doll, Sex and the City


Apart from my love for trashy magazines, and the compulsory reading of Economics joy....., A Streetcar named desire, attonement, The Dirt, Bridget Jones' Diary, The LOTR books, Jane Austin, Shakespeare.... etc


My friends & family cos they rule! And Nadia is my HERO because i'm hers hehehe And the creator of Cherry VK :)!

My Blog

Alcoholic Maths

  Instructions: Go to your nearest wetherspoons and purchase these drinks (at £1.99 each I do believe) and proceed to mix them together. It will go a green colour and smell uber-sweet. AND it wi...
Posted by Aasha on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 11:48:00 PST