uh dee nuhh profile picture

uh dee nuhh

opportunity is not a lengthy visitor.

About Me

i sing in my car and i don't care who knows it.

My Interests

being a choir kid is cool, i guess.

I'd like to meet:

shlomo bardin.


josh kelley jason mraz rent bob dylan johnny cash eric clapton goo goo dolls counting crows elton john the fray postal service nsync bsb extreme josh groban sarah maclachlan michelle branch tesoro madrigals..


10 things i hate about you RENT Newsies Simon Birch Now and Then Zoolander Not Another Teen Movie Dumb and Dumber(er) DISNEY haha Save the Last Dance Center Stage the family stone donnie darko the holiday bobby!


America's Next Top Model Project Runway That 70s Show AFV Boy Meets World Growing Pains Saved By The Bell HEROES Grey's Anatomy


really good ones.


the spice girls... they've got guts...