Quinta’s dad gave her this name when she was a baby. He was a teacher of Latin and Greek, and she was the fifth of five children, and a girl.
Quinta plays violin, viola, musical saw, keyboards, theremin, clarinet, toy and vintage instruments, and anything else that makes a good noise.
As well as her solo work, Quinta currently plays with Collectress, Victoria Hume and Philip Selway. She has played also with Joni Davis, Bat for Lashes, Pthhhh, Arthur Jeffes' Music From the Penguin Cafe, Orphans & Vandals, Mette Bille, Clearlake, Mary Hampton, The Accidental, Chris Letcher, The Memory Band, London Breakbeat Orchestra, The Irrepressibles, Tundra, Ginger Lee, Bicycle Thieves, The Paper Cinema, Jenny McCormick, Mechanical Bride and Jennie Pedley's shadow puppet theatre.
She writes short-film scores for participatory film-makers Living Lens, is co-founder of Music in Detention, and works whenever she can with Music in Prisons.