....Wooden Me... profile picture

....Wooden Me...

....Spend all your time with your eyes on the ground looking for the stars... TINDERSTICKS

About Me

I odjednom sam shvatio:
Postoje reci bez usana.
I verovanje bez daha.
To je nekakav izazov onoga sto je ispred nas,
kao kad te zacikuju da neces uspeti,
a ti probas i uspes.
Zamisli da si sova
i duznost ti je da zmuris,
i da se bojis svetlosti.
A ti se cvrsto zareknes
i hipnotises sunce.
...Više me uopšte ne čudi što nebo staje u baricu,
a zemlja u sebe ne staje.
U neki komadić sebe.
To me je i naučilo da umem da obuhvatim,
ali da pristanem pri tom da i sam budem obuhvaćen.
To je ta jedina umetnost
čija je unutrašnjost okrenuta ka spolja.
Ko nauči da želi,
taj će me odmah razumeti....
...ÄŒim igra dobije pravila, pretvara se u zamor. I sa igrom se treba igrati....
...I reče moja misao:
ko zna kolika sunca gore od postanka svetlosti
za ovaj krhki trenutak zemaljske svečanosti,
kad ti prođeš kraj mene
i prepoznam svoj lik u tvome oku kao odjek.
Ne uči, nego izmišljaj to što je nazimislivo.
Budućnost će dokazati da smo imali pravo...
M. Antic "Izdajstvo lirike"
Isto delo, gledano iz raznih pobuda,
može da bude promašaj ili da bude čarolija.
Ista daljina, merena raznim potrebama,
može da bude tu negde, ili da bude čak onamo.
Ista svetlost za nekoga je melem,
za nekoga opekotina.
Ne menjaju se gibanja, vreme i bezgraničnost.
Ne menjaju se reči, nego njihovo značenje.


My Interests


Riding on this know-how.
Never been here before.
Peculiarly entrusted,
possibly that's all.
Is history recorded,
does someone have a tape?
Surely, I'm no pioneer,
constellations stay the same.
Just a little bit of danger,
when intriguingly, our little secret,
trusts that you trust me.
'Cause no one will ever know,
that this was happening,
so tell me why you listen,
when nobody's talking.
What is there to know?
All this is what it is.
You and me alone,
sheer simplicity.


I'd like to meet:


Do You Realize
That you have the most beautiful face
Do You Realize
We're floating in space
Do You Realize
That happiness makes you cry
Do You Realize
That everyone you know someday will die
And instead of saying all of your goodbyes
Let them know
You realize that life goes fast
It's hard to make the good things last
You realize the sun doesn't go down
It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round
Do You Realize, Oh Oh Oh
Do You Realize
That everyone, you know
Someday, will die
And instead of saying all of your goodbyes, let them know
You realize that life goes fast
It's hard to make the good things last
You realize the sun doesn't go down
It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round
Do You Realize, that you have the most beautiful face
Do You Realize


....Cuz I'm praying for rain
And I'm praying for tidal waves
I wanna see the ground give way
I wanna watch it all go down
Mom please flush it all away
I wanna watch it go right in and down
I wanna watch it go right in
Watch you flush it all away
Time to bring it down again
Don't just call me pessimist
Try and read between the lines
I can't imagine why you wouldn't
Welcome any change, my friend
I wanna see it all come down,
suck it down
flush it down.....


I will light a match this morning
so I won't be alone
watch as she lies silent
for soon light will be gone
oh, i will stand arms outstretched
pretend i'm free to roam
oh, i will make my way through
one more day in hell
How much difference does it make?
how much difference does it make?
I will hold the candle
until it burns up my arm
oh, i'll keep taking punches
until their will grows tired
Oh, i will stare the sun down
until my eyes go blind
How much difference does it make?
how much difference does it make?
I'll swallow poison
until i grow immune
i will scream my lungs out
till it fills this room
How much difference…
how much difference…
how much difference does it make?
how much difference does it make?

....znamo ko....



There are worse things than
being alone
but it often takes decades
to realize this
and most often
when you do
it's too late
and there's nothing worse
too late.


Da li su cigle u zidu
cigle ili zid?

Kada budem hteo da kazem
bilo sta sto me boli
samo cu reci:
Crvene krave vole
ljubicasto nebo.


....Sta vredi da budes zabelezen u zvezdama,
ako te niko nije procitao na zemlji?...

