~dArCeL~ profile picture


I'm a Grown Sexy Woman!!!!

About Me

: :SiMply mEh: :
Skream it?: Darcel
seCkz?: All Woman
wHeN dA wOrlD 1st sAw meH?: December 23, 1984
sUrViveD?: 22 yrs
fRieN dz?: Love All of Them
tOuChes dA skYy?: 5'5"
bRuShes?: Layered Dark Brown Hair
fLunKin thReW?: Nothing
bOo stAtus?: My Baby!!!!
sOng?: Making Love by: Eric Benet

l this / thAt l
pEpSi 0r c0ke? Coke
mCd0naLds 0r buRgEr kinG? McDonalds
adidas or nike? Nike
dogs or cats?: Dogs Of Course- Yay Pugs and Yorkys
d0 y0u pRefEr t0 be singLe 0r taKen?: Taken
one pillow or two : Two????? I Have Four
chocolate or vanilla : Chocolate
h0tt 0r c0Ld ? : Hottttttt
b0xeRs 0r bRieFs ? Boxers
nighT 0r day? : Night Baby!!!!
raP 0r p0p? : Rap
puNk 0r raP: Rap
l thE fuTurE l
aGe u waNna gEt maRrieD? : Before Im 30 Or Until I Find That Special Someone
number and names of children: 2-3 First Born Son After The Father and My Daughter Theres To Many To Pick From.
where do you see yourself at age 20: Been There Done That
describe your dream wedding : That Will Take To Long.
h0w d0 ya wanna diE ?: Very Old In My Sleep.
what do you want to be when you grow up : A Lawyer
what country would you most like to visit : France
l guyZ l
best eye color: Any
best hair color : Dark
best height: Taller Than Me
best weight: At Least 190
best first kiss location : In Private
l d0 y0u.... l
liKe kaKe : Yep
taKe a sh0wEr eVeryday? : Yep Twice a Day
waNt t0 g0 t0 c0LLegE? : In College Now
LiKe y0ur sch0oL : Yep
waNna gEt maRriEd : Yep
typE faSt : Yep
g0t any taTooS? : No
gEt caR sicK : No
thinK y0ur a gErm fReak? : No
get aLonG wit y0ur paRents : Yep
liKe thunDersToRms? : They're Ok
rAndOm stUff
fiRsT thiNg y0u think 0f when y0u waKe up : Class Or Work
l thE baSicS fav0riTes l
music : RnB
coLoR : Pink and Red
magazine : Cosmo
tV sh0w : Martin
raPper : Jay-Z
f0od : Pasta
dRink : Some Type of Juice
icE cReam : Chocolate With Krunchkote Sprinkles
m0vie : The Pusuit of Happyness
: : mEhH : :
What are your future goals? To Become a Lawyer
Do you like to dance? Yep
Have you ever been in love? Once
Lust or love? Love
Hugs or kisses? Hug Then a Kiss
Shoe size? 10 I Know its Huge
Do you have big ears No
Do you have a crush? No
Do you care About how you look? Yep
Do you get a tan only in the summer? Yep
Daydreamer? Yep
Cut your hair? Yep
Worn a skirt? Yep
What will always make you happy ? Having An Awesome Day.
How do you eat an Oreo? Twist it Open and Eat The Cream First.
What is the nicest thing you find in the opposite sex? A Caring Personality.
Which do You Like most: snow, sun, or rain? Sun
Where do you want to go on your honeymoon? Cabo
Backstreet Boys or Nsync? NSync
What is right next to you now? My Bed
What did you think of this survey? Cool
: : dO ii : :
beleVe iiN lOve at 1st siight?: Not Really
lOve mYy bOiifriiend: Im in strong like.
aM i cOnfidEnt?: Yep
alWayz believe iiN mAh sElF NoO mAttA whA cOmez mAh wAy?: Try To
CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS! found this girls layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com found this girls layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com

My Interests

Your Seduction Style: Fantasy Lover
You know that ideal love that each of us dreams of from childhood? That's you!
Not because you posess all of the ideal characteristics, but because you are a savvy shape shifter.
You have the uncanny ability to detect someone's particular fantasy... and make it you.

You inspire each person to be an idealist and passionate, and you make each moment memorable
Even a simple coffee date with you can be the most romantic moment of someone's life
By giving your date exactly what he or she desires, you quickly become the ideal lover.

Your abilities to make dreams come true is so strong, that you are often the love of many people's lives.
Your ex's (and even people you have simply met or been friends with) long to be yours.
No doubt you are the one others have dreamed of... your biggest challenge is finding *your* dream lover. What Kind of Seducer Are You?
what abercrombie outfit is right for you? *pics* by LiLmIsSmArY0023
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I listen to everything except Country


My favorite movies are Diary of a Mad Black Woman, Cheaper by the Dozen 1,2, Madea's Family Reunion,The Hills Have Eyes.

MySpace Layouts




I Make My own Rules~LL Cool J


My Mother