I'm just a guy with a camera, hoping to get better at using it.Originally from New Jersey, moved down here to work for an aircraft company (guess who) and like to shoot for fun. Photography isn't my career and I have never received money for any images I have created - and I'd like to keep it that way. Thus, no pressure, no deadlines, no hassle. Just having a good time.I like to shoot in a casual and informal manner. I'd rather you enjoy yourself rather than just churn out pictures. But don't get me wrong - getting the right shot is very important to me. So let's work hard and have a good time doing it.I am interested in working with beginning models with some experience for TFP in the Savannah area. I am open to all forms of photography except erotica - nudes are acceptable, but only for fine art.Models will preferably have moderate experience and are capable of producing their own poses. Outfits will be left at the discretion of the model since this is TFP work.
For those not familiar with TFP, it is basically an agreement between a starting photographer and a budding model such that the photographer has a model to practice on and the model has more images for her portfolio, at no cost to either party.
Prospective models may view my portfolio at stoopidsavant.com