Never trust a man with a clean-shaven faceA man who is clean-shaven hides himself. Never trust a clean-shaven smile because underneath is a façade that with confuse you as a riddle would a retard. A moustache depending upon its width could be a sign of a number of things. A moustache too thin is a sign of his perverse nature and alludes to his stifled anger but on the other hand a thick moustache showcases the male’s efeminance or queer nature. A man with a Van Dyke is hip. A goatee is American and can be widely seen on NASCAR fans, Christians, and overall shitheads. A man with handlebars over compensates But a man with a beard is all around trustworthy. He will never let you down. Confident and lazy he can never hustle a rich man while a clean shaven man will take about everything but the kitchen sink in front of the victims face. Why are people so gullible to believe that a face they can see is worthy of trust? A beard 9 times out of ten has worked harder and seen more in his time on earth. A man with a beard much like Lincoln cannot tell lies. Beards are wisdom and skins are liars, crooks, swindlers, and cheats. In the end all that is left is a face worth growing a beard.