Will he lean me towards the wall, look at my lips as i am talking to him, hold my wrist, and start kissing my neck, will he try to get me drunk with the intentions of possibly something in the end.. whisper sweet, sexy things in my ear as he is caressing my arm.. is he promising me the world, is he trying to impress me, is he an ex-convict, is he a player, a bad azz original "G'sta" will he capture my heart, maybe, probably not...
Swimming Pool,killing me softly, Rules of Attraction, All about my mother, english patient, bad education, breakfast at tiffanies, basic instinct, belle de jour, ma vie en rose, amelie, like water for chocolate, kill bill 1, gone with the wind, silence of the lamb; The family stone, This particular film brought out the concept, and defined what an american family should be, filled with diversity, and todays' modern couples. Dark comedies tend to be my favorite, intelligent films that make you think, sc-fi movies with detailed scientific terminology, and procedures, as well as action,adventorous films with realistic plots, and your typical american funny film.
No time, I am way too busy, sometimes, I need to pick up the paper just to know what's going on. When my hectic schedule allows me, I'd rather be reading a good book, watching a movie, or out in the party scene, flirting, personal networking, and of course drinking hehehe
I read a lot, having AP classes in high school, open your eyes into the world of books. I've read, the prince by machevilli, mansfield park, pride and prejudice, the count of monte cristo, dangerous liasons,the art of seduction(my two favorite), alexander the great's biography, marie antoniette's biography, che guevara's biography, inferno by dante,rules of attraction, some great novels by spanish writers, hemingway, shakespeare, and the list goes on...
Nobody is my heroe, I admire peoples achievements, strengths, and endurance like my mother, and some of the great people in history but they fulfilled their own destinies, discovering their inner power, and realizing what they were capable of, so i only look upto myself, and follow what my heart desires...C'est la vie, carpe diem!