Robdiggidy profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

As time has passed, I, as most individuals, have changed and matured in ways I would have never guessed. I always had the feeling that things are not as they seem and something is not quite right. I remember having this feeling as far back as 1985. I was only 5 or 6.Time has changed me drastically. I went from being an overly naive, somewhat angry, yet eager to please young man who grew up in some very "unwholesome" environments. My mother, who worked so much that I rarely saw her, did a fabulous job at helping to mend a broken mind and urged me to not only be a free thinker, but to not have ignorance and prejudice towards others due to their differences. Ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, sex, color, creed or political party really doesn't matter. What matters is what one does.Today, I am not quite wide awake, as anyone who is would surely be, for lack of a better term "ascended". My goals have changed, as at one time i simply wanted to have a family, a normal career in which I could support my family, own a small amount of land where I could be self sufficient and grow what I needed. Simple things. As it stands at this moment, I do not want to start a family any longer due to some unfortunate events, and no longer am i complacent enough to be appeased by being a simple consumer who goes day to day simply attempting to make wages that, in the grand scheme, are really worth nothing.I am on a quest for personal growth, knowledge, and most importantly, enlightenment. I would very much like to help to open the eyes of those around and help to ensure a safe, bright and healthy future for the young people of the MASSES. Of the natural, private citizens the world over, whether there is a substandard level of intelligence or physical capability does not matter. All people with a soul, who want the best for others and the best of all possible realities.

Myspace Layouts at / Fighting for Revolution

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Others who are intellectual, rational, logical, and ultimately good people. Materialism is a joke. Those who choose to educate themselves beyond what is freely given ie: public schooling. This is not to say that others who have had no other formal form of education are any less interesting or important. I would like to meet anyone and everyone who is truly open and willing to open themselves up a it as well.

My Blog

When life gives you lemons.....

Freeze those fuckers and bean the nearest douchebag to you right in the face. Hopefully blood is drawn. Then all will be right with the world.
Posted by on Wed, 11 Feb 2009 14:46:00 GMT

History Truth. Plain and simple.
Posted by on Wed, 08 Oct 2008 08:04:00 GMT

Nujabes - Lady Brown (ft. Cise Starr) Natural progression. Such gorgeous music.
Posted by on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 06:49:00 GMT

Dont watch this video...if you're happy living a lie Please pay close attention if you are watching this.
Posted by on Tue, 27 May 2008 08:05:00 GMT

for safe keeping

  ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: EL CHICO CUANTICODate: May 2, 2008 5:26 PM ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: sam - ADD ME!Date: 02 May 2008, 17...
Posted by on Fri, 02 May 2008 18:11:00 GMT

The world you know doesnt exist. F4ECE87D347E85F3BD6D2/30-little-known-facts-about-am.aspx   Follow the bread crumbs to make your way home, young ones.
Posted by on Thu, 01 May 2008 14:44:00 GMT

A large group of us are about to starve to death. Thank Codex.

This article is from a year ago. I urge each and everyone of you to simply google these keywords: "Codex, food, standard, starvation" and look at the interesting results. http://animamrecro.wordpress....
Posted by on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 10:10:00 GMT


i really need to vent some fucking frustration.....
Posted by on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 18:43:00 GMT


Ever been so confused with a situation you were at a total loss? You were just unsure of the particulars and did not know whether or not you were in the position you originaly thought you were in? Wel...
Posted by on Fri, 11 May 2007 08:01:00 GMT

Simply put....

Have you ever known someone who you adore, but you feel that they never take your feelings into account about anything? Sometimes i wonder to myself, "Do my feelings even really matter?" The answer to...
Posted by on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 08:45:00 GMT