Some photos I took at togfest. Was a great couple of days
God, I have a lot of questions!!!
Rock, Metal, Hip hop (thats not this gangster rap crap, i mean the real thing) retro music, grunge, Drum and Bass, Industrial infact u name it i'll prob listen to it at some point even if its just to know how good everything else is compared to it
Well lets start with what people will know.... Being John Malkovich, Labyrinth, time bandits, Never ending story, Nightmare before Christmas, Corpse Bride, most Charlie chaplin, dead mans shoes, the eternal sunshine of a spotless, Gangs of New york, Donnie Darko, Sphere, Hackers, Moulin Rouge, The flat, Un chien andalou, Dreamers, 2046, to live and of course really bad horror/spooky films, cant beat zombies/werewolves and maybe the odd badly made vampire (ooo theres another good film, lost boys) I think i'll be adding to this again soon but thats enough for now
Terry Pratchett disc world, Alfred Jarrys plays, Edgar allan poes poems, Woody Allen complete prose, the poetics by aristotle (the simpler version tho im not that smart) crime books and source books (yes i know its geeky but i like to study)