About Me
Greetings - Welcome To My Page.
I suppose I should start by Introducing myself,
My flesh name is Bri'Ann, My Religion name is Harmonie
My Japanese name is Ikari, I have other names as well
How ever those names only few know of and understand.
I am a 17 year old female, who doesn't fancy today's socitey.
I will never understand why they judge by weight, clothing or skin.
The only beauty that I believe to be true, is the inner beauty.
Why humans fancy their outer appernce, I don't get. Their weight,
Matters not unless it is causing health problems, then it matters.
I believe it is fine to have itelligentce, though I understand not
Why humans only fancy the intelligentce you get from a book.
That intelligentce is not the up most importance to me.
Books can not teach you how to love one and other.
They can not teach you how to communicate.
I am a very adventures person, descovering things intrest me.
A new place, a new soul to meet. Decovering a new way of life,
New beliefs, New styles, New thoughts. That is why I love adventures.
I will warn you, I speak in metaphors allot, and I admire them as well.
If I confuse you by something, Just ask me to re-frase and I shall try.
I'm complicated, I'm a walking contradiction.
I'm the storm that sets in the night.
I am the shadows that creeps along the walls.
Until we meet again,
Bri'Ann, Harmonie, Ikari.