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I am here for Friends

About Me

Greetings - Welcome To My Page.
I suppose I should start by Introducing myself,
My flesh name is Bri'Ann, My Religion name is Harmonie
My Japanese name is Ikari, I have other names as well
How ever those names only few know of and understand.
I am a 17 year old female, who doesn't fancy today's socitey.
I will never understand why they judge by weight, clothing or skin.
The only beauty that I believe to be true, is the inner beauty.
Why humans fancy their outer appernce, I don't get. Their weight,
Matters not unless it is causing health problems, then it matters.
I believe it is fine to have itelligentce, though I understand not
Why humans only fancy the intelligentce you get from a book.
That intelligentce is not the up most importance to me.
Books can not teach you how to love one and other.
They can not teach you how to communicate.
I am a very adventures person, descovering things intrest me.
A new place, a new soul to meet. Decovering a new way of life,
New beliefs, New styles, New thoughts. That is why I love adventures.
I will warn you, I speak in metaphors allot, and I admire them as well.
If I confuse you by something, Just ask me to re-frase and I shall try.
I'm complicated, I'm a walking contradiction.
I'm the storm that sets in the night.
I am the shadows that creeps along the walls.
Until we meet again,
Bri'Ann, Harmonie, Ikari.

My Blog

Kitty And Birdy

http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti... Rawr they are mine
Posted by on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 05:52:00 GMT

Silent Whispers

He whispers in her earPromises of tomorrowHe speaks with the tonugeOf the devil but his wordsSound like an angels melodyHer hearts in her throatTears in her eyesHer minds racing withQuestiones un-answ...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 01:23:00 GMT