mountain biking, base jumping, sky diving, parachuting, shooting, mountain boarding, football, rugby, hockey, skuba, twirl a squirrelhey they're like chris, only better lol. nah im jokincadets is good to, me at farncombe
mission impossible trilogy, terminator trilogy,black hawk down,starsky and hutch, zoro,shaun of the dead,dodgeball,the longest yard,catch me if you can,apocalypse now,the good the bad and the ugly,x-men trilogy,saving private ryan,matrix trilogy,starsky and hutch,batman begins,the godfather,jarhead,residant evil 1 and 2,equilibrium,hot fuzz,escape from new york,rocky,hero,v for vendetta,SNAKES ON A PLANE,road to perdition,black hawk doWN,borat,there's something about mary, cold mountain,crashamerican pie
scrubs, south park, family guy, the apprentice, top gear, ray mears, football when its on
andy mcnab the sound of laughter by peter kay guiness world record the diary of adrien mole
Stefan Oberlander (he did a 3000 foot base jump on a bike and landed it),
jonny knoxville,
sacha baron coen,
huggy bear,
rob for making my layout ayyy toby!
Cyanide & Happiness @,3m,-4e,7u -4j,2k,-5b,34 -2k,1n,-3h,23 -3h,23,-4j,2k -4e,7u,73,ao -1i,1i,-2k,1n -1i,1i,1i,1i 1h,1j,2a,1l 2a,1l,30,1t 30,1t,3i,28 3i,28,41,2i 41,2i,4n,33 4n,33,5e,3h 5e,3h,64,3q 64,3q,6p,41 6p,41,7f,48 7f,48,85,4c 73,ao,8i,as 85,4c,8n,4d 8n,4d,96,49 96,49,9p,3v 8i,as,9a,ar 9a,ar,a2,b1 af,39,an,2t 9p,3v,a5,3l a4,3l,af,39 a2,b1,ao,b8 br,c6,cd,cl cd,cl,cv,d1 cv,d1,dj,db dj,db,ea,dh fq,36,fg,3i fg,3i,f7,3v f7,3v,f0,4e ea,dh,es,dg es,dg,fn,dc h6,2p,gl,2q gl,2q,g7,2u g7,2u,fq,36 fn,dc,gb,d7 gb,d7,go,d2 go,d2,h0,f3 gv,f2,hf,f4 in,31,ho,2p ho,2p,h6,2p hf,f4,i1,f5 i1,f5,kc,f5 jp,39,in,31 jm,39,kf,3f kf,3f,l1,3q l1,3q,la,46 la,46,ld,4i ld,4g,lg,53 lg,53,lk,5m lk,5m,ls,68 kc,f5,nd,f5 ls,68,ma,6n ma,6n,ms,75 ms,75,nb,7c nb,7c,nq,7e nd,f5,o9,f6 nq,7e,oa,7e oa,7e,os,7f os,7f,pa,7i o9,f6,or,f7 or,f7,pa,f7 pa,7i,pq,7n pq,7n,q9,7t q9,7t,qo,86 pb,fa,pk,fa pk,fa,q1,fh q1,fh,qh,fu qh,fu,qs,g7 qp,85,rb,8o rb,8o,rn,95 rn,95,s3,9n s3,9n,sl,ag qs,g7,r7,ge r7,ge,rh,gk rh,gk,s1,go s1,go,sf,h3 sl,ag,ta,be ta,be,u5,c8 sh,h4,13l,lc u5,c8,v6,d7 v6,d7,vu,dt vu,dt,10u,eo 10u,eo,11q,fa 11q,fa,12j,fl 138,fn,142,fj 12j,fl,138,fn 13l,lc,13u,ll 142,fj,14g,ff 14g,ff,150,f7 150,f7,15f,eq 13u,ll,149,m2 149,m2,14l,mc 14l,mc,151,mj 151,mj,15i,mr 15i,mr,161,n0 161,n0,16l,n3 16l,n3,174,n3 174,n3,17o,n0 17o,n0,185,mr 185,mr,18o,mg 193,m5,19g,ll 19g,ll,19g,n2 18o,mg,193,m5 19g,n2,1k9,qn 1ka,qo,1ql,sh 1q6,t7,204,uu 1vi,vs,24f,11c 24f,11c,25o,121 25o,121,26h,12m 26h,12m,28j,14n 28j,14n,29d,15d 29d,15d,2aa,15m 2aa,15m,2b8,15q 2b8,15q,2c5,15s 2c5,15s,2de,15s 2de,15s,2e1,15o 2e1,15o,2ef,15h 2ef,15h,2ep,159 2j2,19j,2rm,1eq 2rl,1et,2vf,1gm 2vf,1gm,31v,1hc 31v,1hc,340,1hj 340,1hj,36h,1hj 36h,1hj,37t,1hk 37t,1hk,38n,1hk 38n,1hk,39g,1hk 39g,1hk,3a1,1he 3a1,1he,3ag,1h5 3aq,1gr,3b1,1gc 3b1,1gc,3d2,1gc 3ag,1h5,3aq,1gr 3d2,1gc,3d2,1ko 3d2,1ko,3o8,1ps 3o8,1ps,3u3,1rr 3u3,1rr,3v5,1s2 3v5,1s2,3vv,1s4 3vv,1s4,40m,1s2 40m,1s2,41d,1rt 41d,1rt,423,1rk 42j,1rc,436,1r2 436,1r2,43v,1qs 423,1rk,42j,1rc 43v,1qs,44j,1qs 44j,1qs,45a,1r3 45a,1r3,45o,1rg 45o,1rg,462,1ru 462,1ru,46f,1sd 46f,1sd,46s,1sm 46s,1sm,47d,1su 47d,1su,47s,1t4 47s,1t4,489,1t8 489,1t8,48p,1ta 48p,1ta,49c,1t6 49c,1t6,49u,1t0 49u,1t0,4ab,1sq 4ab,1sq,4ap,1sf 4ap,1sf,4au,1s0 4au,1s0,4b1,1ri 4b1,1ri,4b9,1r7 4b9,1r7,4bl,1qt 4bl,1qt,4c1,1qp 4c2,1qq,4co,1qo 4co,1qo,4dd,1qs 4dd,1qs,4dp,1r5 4e6,1rk,4ej,1s2 4f3,1sg,4fg,1sp #1k3,q9 2il,13b 360,1h4 3lq,1o6