Buried at PhotoCasket.com
Buried at PhotoCasket.com
Buried at PhotoCasket.comRapists(im not a rapist), Murderers(im not a murderer), Suicide, Escapology, etc. i write loadsa gothic songs so yeah if bands are searchin here i am, i love my music, i love sleepin(i do it anywhere, did it in school a few times, when i say sleep i dont mean shaggin about),the weird and wonderful interests me a lot.
Buried at PhotoCasket.com
Buried at PhotoCasket.com
metal, rock, death metal, goth rock etc
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Buried at PhotoCasket.com
Buried at PhotoCasket.com
My life has been rated:
See what your rating is!
Created by Bart King
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Buried at PhotoCasket.com
Buried at PhotoCasket.com
House of 1000 corpses, Devils Rejects, Girl fight, Girl Interrupted, A walk to remember, Dirty Sanchez:The Movie, Harold and Kumar: get the munchies, The Crow. Get Real, C.R.A.Z.Y
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Buried at PhotoCasket.com
Buried at PhotoCasket.com
Buried at PhotoCasket.com
What's Your Kinky Turn On?
created with QuizFarm.com
Mind Freak, Trick of the Mind, WWE,ECW, Sugar Rush
Trick of the Mind, Adam Copeland, Chopper
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Buried at PhotoCasket.com
Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures
You scored as Dark Angel of death. You are the dark angel of death! You would rather be the one doing the killing not the dying. You love blood and gore and would love a job where u could deal with it all the time! Blood amuses you! You are not an emo, u make people emo.
Dark Angel of death
Plain emo
Dark emotions
Laid back
Average emotions
'One legged wonder' Zak Gowen, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Danger Mouse
Buried at PhotoCasket.com
Buried at PhotoCasket.com
Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures
Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures
Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures
Buried at PhotoCasket.com