Cerberus Lucifer: the prince of perversion profile picture

Cerberus Lucifer: the prince of perversion

I am here for Friends

About Me

When your eyes melt and your blood boils, Satan is comingBuried at PhotoCasket.com
Buried at PhotoCasket.comI'm a vegetarian goth, who is against war and all that bad stuff, so yes i am a hippie goth if i can make it easier for you, which if were being really steriotypical, yes that makes me a contradiction. but no big deal we all are in one way or another. I'm real unique, which is why i really hope there are soul mates, coz otherwise no way will i ever find someone real compatible for me. i have long black hair with bits of purple and in the coming days green and blue too, so if your reading this i probably have lots of different dyes in my hair by now. i wear a lot of black yes, but i also wear clothes i make myself, which is from lots of other clothes that dont fit or i dont like.i am bisexual, not a virgin before i get asked, that always seems to be a question asked for some reason. i'm not a whore though, only had sex with one person, who i was dating at the time. in case you didnt read it up there and are getting confused, im a guy, so horni straight people will no doubt have left by now. i'm in a band called Antichrist God Rapist, i wrote some of our stuff down in some blogs up there ^. i wrote them all and many others. back to the hair, i've began messing around with different styles, grabbing random bits of hair and banding them so it's all pigtailed randomly, ill maybe get some newer pics of it and whatever. i like make up and apply it however my mind sees fit. i have many gay/lesbian/bi friend. so dont be shy. i have other friends that would be deemed 'freaks', so i guess you could say i collect them. so add me, comment me, message me whatever, as long as your not ignorant, neither will i be. xxxxx
You Are 100% Non Conformist
You're incredibly strange. And a weirdness like yours takes skill to cultivate!
No one really understands you. And you're cool with that. You just hope you never have to understand them! Are You a Nonconformist?
You Are Creepy
Serial killers would run away from you in a flash. How Scary Are You?
You Are 84% Gentleman
No doubt about it, you are a total gentleman.
You please the pickiest ladies, and you make everyone in a room feel comfortable. Are You A Gentleman?
Erotic Thriller
You've made your own rules in life - and sometimes that catches up with you.
Winding a web of deceit comes naturally, and no one really knows the true you.
Your best movie matches: Swimming Pool, Unfaithful, The Crush If Your Life Was a Movie, What Genre Would It Be?
You Are a Dare Devil
For you, life is one big dare.
And you're all in for any adventure.
Others find you exciting, inspiring, and a bit intimidating.
You're biggest challenge at this point is trying to top yourself! How Daring Are You?
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My Interests

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Buried at PhotoCasket.comRapists(im not a rapist), Murderers(im not a murderer), Suicide, Escapology, etc. i write loadsa gothic songs so yeah if bands are searchin here i am, i love my music, i love sleepin(i do it anywhere, did it in school a few times, when i say sleep i dont mean shaggin about),the weird and wonderful interests me a lot.
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metal, rock, death metal, goth rock etc
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My life has been rated:

See what your rating is!

Created by Bart King

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House of 1000 corpses, Devils Rejects, Girl fight, Girl Interrupted, A walk to remember, Dirty Sanchez:The Movie, Harold and Kumar: get the munchies, The Crow. Get Real, C.R.A.Z.Y
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What's Your Kinky Turn On?
created with QuizFarm.com


Mind Freak, Trick of the Mind, WWE,ECW, Sugar Rush


Trick of the Mind, Adam Copeland, Chopper
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Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures
You scored as Dark Angel of death. You are the dark angel of death! You would rather be the one doing the killing not the dying. You love blood and gore and would love a job where u could deal with it all the time! Blood amuses you! You are not an emo, u make people emo.

Dark Angel of death


Plain emo


Dark emotions


Laid back


Average emotions

Are you a dark emotional or laid back?(kool pics)
created with QuizFarm.com
Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures
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'One legged wonder' Zak Gowen, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Danger Mouse
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Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures
Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures
Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures
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