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Greg M

Love My Family and Friends

About Me

I Love my two Beautiful daughters as well, there is nothing I enjoy more spending time with them.I am a professional that travels a lot. I love to have a good time with my friends and enjoy watching them smiling and laughing. There is nothing better than having fun with those you care about! I am loyal, caring, kind and loving. I am a TEXAN born and raised, I am a huge Dallas Cowboy Fan. I am very loyal to my friends and caring to those I love. I'm creative I love to write as you will note in a blog or bullet. LOVE MY FRIENDS THEY ARE THE BEST!
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My Interests

Movies, Dancing, Comedy Clubs, ROLLER COASTERS, The Water

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I'd like to meet:

THE ONE who doesn't want THE ONE? I have a lot of offer the Right One and she will never Regret it. What I wouldn't give for a REAL WOMAN. That is not brash or over the top but knows how to have fun. I'm done settling and not going to do that anymore I deserve THE BEST. Not saying that to be a jerk just feel like I deserve the best as does whoever I wind up with.One last thing I DON'T NEED SOMEONE TO COMPLETE ME, GOD took care of that.

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I AM GLAD I HAVE FRIENDS.... NEVER USE ME I will give it ALL where Some have given LITTLE.


I like all kinds, however I am a country boy. I have found my heart is in it. It is truthful, painful and loving. Many of my own Qualities.

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Scarface, The Godfather, Roadhouse most acion and drama I love any really good action movie DIE HARD all of them, Rush Hour, LOL I even like chick flicks the NOTEBOOK and Always are some of my favorites SSSHHHHHHH I do like John Wayne's The Quiet Man it is a Classic.


Two and a Half Men, Smalleville, Battlestar Galactica, NCIS, The Unit, Chuck, Jericho, EurekaSCI FI, Megan's and my favorite show we try to watch together is Smallville she is my little SUPERGIRL


The Bible, The Five Love Languages, Wild at Heart

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My Father who served in WWII in the Marine Corps and who serves even today as my Father and Grandfather of my Girls. All of my Brothers and Sisters who on a daily basis go out and give it all for our freedoms so we can complain and praise wherever we want to I SAY THANK YOU FOR YOUR COURAGE AND COMITMENT TO US AT HOME!!

My Blog

My Girls My Blessings

How does a Father NOT BEAM from PRIDE?  Tonight Megan sang in her first ever concert that wasn't band.  If you know my family you know we sing, I've been blessed by my whole family through t...
Posted by Greg M on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 06:05:00 PST

Nails In The Fence

There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His Father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence.The first day th...
Posted by Greg M on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 09:12:00 PST

Old Friends

As I took my youngest to school today I heard a voice hollar "HEY GREG".  Shocked I turned around and it was an old friend who my ex use to keep her son.  She procedded to ask me all about e...
Posted by Greg M on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 10:45:00 PST


Speaking from much experiance on this matter.  Some of my real true friends know me very well and the hardships in life I've had to over come.  I am a MAN of Great Pride, Strength and Charac...
Posted by Greg M on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 10:22:00 PST

Drift Racing

Drifting is a driving technique in which the driver takes the racing line that gives the highest speed and angle the car is capable of handling (a preferred line is usually, or always, specified by th...
Posted by Greg M on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 09:04:00 PST