.*Lip$ @re QuiVeriNG.* profile picture

.*Lip$ @re QuiVeriNG.*

~h@rd t0 noTiCe What i$ passin by, wItH eYes l0weRed~

About Me

BILLY <3 .. This is me with my rather delightful beau Billy//Sam//The Fiend.
This pic is huuuuge and I dont care.
Billy is ace.
He makes me laff with his random-ness and I wouldn't change him for the world.
My boyfriend likes pink more than me and prances better than I do to.
He likes to do random things in his sleep like pass me c.d's, poke me, laugh really loudly and other stuff that is frankly rude.
He thinks my music taste is rubbish and I think the same of his.
He likes my hair in bunches and has a heidi fetish.
Billy is the best boyfriend that there could ever be, he spends his last pennies on my battered sausage and chips.
The coolness of Bill. x x x
on the overnite train to venice
Al. Barcelona.
Mardy cow!
I wanted to be a market stand lady. Croatia.
The wicked old man who sat and smiled.
I had 2 and passed out.
I know a boy called Billy <3
jOsephine+++loud BuBbly, Feisty yoUNg WeNch hehe~
LOves~~the y-bird hehe!peAnut butter,mmm+rainbow brITE,you so damn cool~~
VW CamperVan splitties,yerp, want An orange one with the WOoden seats RoUnd THE sIDES~ jST like when I was A kid.CRied sooo much wheN it WeNT:(~~+
lucky charms+peneLopeePitstop+banana angel d++cheeese fests~
Snuggles+bunches_beaves,moONs+stars+nI ghts under themxx~
a.keidis+frusciante~~thUnDerCats are go+pierced stuff.+tattoos=beaCHES@niTETimE~speCIally in CALIFORNI-A;)
~~SHells,seaGazin_specially when yer farrrr from home~~
LoVes Smiley, happY, good vibe people,MArky~~cant believe I found ya again!thanX 4 beIN Such a *star* over the Last few daYS, MAkin me happy all over again, mwah xx~billy,aka william aka cunt chops...ur jst 2 ace! xXx
ppL who don'T jUdge Me when They don't no anythinga bout me,ppl who jst smile at ya 4no apparent reason,i love it!~love spendin time with ppl who have a genuine interest in me+r cool2talk to,when u jst conneCT~~
LOVE PINK+BLACK,PlaSTIC Beads,chUNKY ass jewellry+shiny lipgloss,rainbows+mAGIC eye picTURES+INKsworth+benjamin~bling fuRNITURE++KItch SHOPs, subWAYs+back row@cinemaS..
BANANAsMELlin stuff,aladdin~roBIN hOOD@MSn+lie ins~day dreamin~
freckles+happy laffter tears++winks..bein in love++bein loved in REturn
+hair bands,+starin oUT OF the window aT random ppl passin by++thundeR STORms~sUMMER holidAYS++my vans+campin+camP Fires++PoBBB,chErrY Merry muffin
+orm,gOONies!!+lifeHouse,matt Belamy grrowl+
hATES~~liVer, mouldy STUfff, Hairs, blurgh!~
ppl who u think You can Trust with all of your hEART but they let UU down
~~a certain m word, which I cant actually write cos I hate it soooo much
+cOyote Uglyy syndrome~evil ppl~~public toilets, ewww, car sickNESS, mISSIn people~~
++one day jo!++
Who's Your Movie Sidekick? Find out @ She's Crafty
carlsbad, san diego. spent 2 of the Best months Of my life watchin this sunset every nite while I was doin camp america. Metsome of the coolest ppl in the world.x xx
You are: Megatron! Most evil and foulest of all
decepticons, you transform into a gun! You take
out autobots in one shot! You eat good guys for
breakfast! No other decepticon matches your
evil, you are the undisputed leader of the
decepticons! You took down Optimus Prime,
you're so evil! You won't give up until you
rule the universe, you're smart, cowardly, and
pure evil, what other qualities could you ask
Which transformers, the movie character are you?
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Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Stability |||||| 30%
Orderliness |||||| 26%
Accommodation |||||||||||| 50%
Interdependence |||||||||||| 50%
Intellectual || 10%
Mystical |||||||||| 36%
Artistic |||||||||||||||| 70%
Religious || 10%
Hedonism |||||||||||||||| 70%
Materialism |||||||||||| 50%
Narcissism |||||||||||| 50%
Adventurousness |||||||||||||||| 70%
Work ethic |||||| 30%
Self absorbed |||||||||||| 43%
Conflict seeking |||||||||||||| 56%
Need to dominate |||||||||||||||| 70%
Romantic |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Avoidant |||||| 30%
Anti-authority |||||| 30%
Wealth |||||| 30%
Dependency |||||||||||||||| 70%
Change averse |||||| 30%
Cautiousness |||| 16%
Individuality |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Sexuality |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||||||| 70%
Physical security |||||||||||||||| 63%
Physical Fitness |||| 17%
Histrionic |||||||||||||||| 70%
Paranoia |||||||||||||||| 70%
Vanity |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Female cliche |||||||||||||||||| 76% Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com
Name: josaffine
Birthdate: 17th august 1981
Birthplace: weston-super-mare
Current Location: weston-supe my mare
Eye Color: green
Hair Color: brown
Height: 7''9
Weight: no clue!
Piercings: some
Tatoos: one
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: yes, the awesome billy. where wud i be without ya?! x x x
Overused Phraze: bothered..
Food: sausage and mash
Candy: refresherrrs
Number: 7
Color: green
Animal: lion
Drink: cream soda
Alcohol Drink: vodka
Bagel: one please
Letter: j
Body Part on Opposite sex: torso
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing: bk
Strawberry or Watermelon: strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: hot
Chocolate or Vanilla vanilla
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: hot choc
Kiss or Hug: both please
Dog or Cat: dog
Rap or Punk: punk
Summer or Winter: summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: funneeee
Love or Money: love
Bedtime: is the best part of the day!
Most Missed Memory: hmm, anythin uni/exmuff based
Best phyiscal feature: eyes
First Thought Waking Up: shit, im late for school again
Goal for this year: finish my 1st yr teachin in one piece
Best Friends: mark, kel, bex, digs
Weakness: temper
Fears: parents evening
Heritage: dont get it..
Longest relationship: a year and some
Ever Drank: yar
Ever Smoked: yar
Pot: yup
Ever been Drunk: on occassion
Ever been beaten up: yerp
Ever beaten someone up: yeah, sorry mel! xx
Ever Shoplifted: yeah, mel made me!
Ever Skinny Dipped: yeah, al made me!
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: yes, does that make me a slut?!
Been Dumped Lately: nah, not really
Favorite Eye Color: brown
Favorite Hair Color: brown
Short or Long: short
Height: tall
Style: dont care, so long as he's cool
Looks or Personality: yerp
Hot or Cute hot
Drugs and Alcohol: whatever
Muscular or Really Skinny: in between
Number of Regrets in the Past: too many to count i guess
What country do you want to Visit: south america
How do you want to Die: loudly
Been to the Mall Lately: no, its shit and takes 2 god damn hrs to get to
Do you like Thundercats: hell yeah! cheetara is a minx!
Get along with your Parents: at times
Health Freak: nope!
Do you think your Attractive: yuP!
Believe in Yourself: yEAH
Want to go to College: bEEN there, wanna do it all again tho
Do you Smoke: not anymore
Do you Drink: all the time latley, not good!
Shower Daily: dont have one in my flat, grrr!
Been in Love: yeah
Do you Sing: yeah, all the time! my class hate me for it!
Want to get Married: yeah, defo
Do you want Children: yerp
Have your future kids names planned out: borris, reginald and faloooola
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: ERM, how much is this american?! long gone im afraid..
Hate anyone: not at all!

My Interests

Colour: BluePositive traits: Sweet, friendly, smart, wiseNegative traits: Sad, shy, often gets lonely Element: WaterPlease rate and/or message!
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code Im more settled in Weston than I ever expected to be
Thats pretty much thanx to one person..Billy who is my limpet fiend
who i would be lost without!X~X
Am expectin 1st baby++Big Up the POJ! Is a pretty awesome feelin+I can't wait to be a Mum now =)
Is pretty big, neva Xpected 2 be in th$ situation now, but I'm 25, earnin a gud wage lol
and tho Daddy Billy still has so much ahead of him,
I happen to think he'll maKe an Immense Daddy Cool!x~x~x

Am still teaching,(maternity leave starts in feb) enjoying it more than ever now.
Even have posh title at the mo cos im in charge of literacy for the school
haha,how random.

Had a wicked summer with Billy on holiday+stuff,tho that seems like a lifetime ago now.
My sis is back from 3 months in Oz nxt Sat++Icant wait 2 c her!
Xx*HATcLiffe TRibUTE==>i loveS you,ur so aCE N im sorreee iF im ever a paIN In the aSS~~canT Help MY ADHD OK.hehe.Big loVexX** Have Jst moved in2 anOther new flat with Lush seeee views//woohooo!++It's lush..but woNt be here 2 much longer,lolI am afterall classed as a GYPSY due 2 moving over 12 times in JST over a yr''+
Still wanNa do my MASters in Ed@some point,but wHoO no's! Travelling beckons, for sure==>Repeat trip to me-hico, yerp!~+Love being my own person&explorin new places~~
Muuusic,my friends,mYbro&sIs++most important thinGs IN my LiFE AT The mO i guess.So thats me.Like it or luMP it xxx Take the quiz: "What Kinda Kiss R U?"

Playful Kiss
The playful kiss is about you having fun and not needing to have feelings for that person. You just go with the flow!
Which "Saved By The Bell" Character Are You?
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I'd like to meet:

the lejjjj that is a.keidis, oh and harold from neighbours..and boyd..grrrrrowl boyd, errm, the deppster, angelina jolie cos shes sooooo a minx, and jim'll fix it, savell, yup him. A truuu legend indeed. Also i want to meeta real life beaver cos i love them and i feel bad..why do they not live in this country, dont get it.//// what is it thaT Makes me quiver so when i see a plastic owl..who knows, all i do no is that OWLdom is the waY of life i wish to follow. yes indeed.
Tramp Bear

Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla i tHinK Jo i$...


+STONE temple pilots+
THE feeling
panic@the disco
ME fiRst an the gimme gimmes++
+at the drive in*
Less than Jake..
3 COLours ReD~
jIMMy eaT worlD
All amerciaN REjects..
system of A DowN+%
#snow patrol
McFly (cos it is indeed aLL about me..)
JAY-Z (vS lInkIN Park
KARL keNedys band..umm, never heard em but I no ill heart it!
keizer chIEFS
~~HUrrah4 T4 BEachFESTX2
tenatIOUS D..allarrrrn!!
~green day++
jack johnson_I do love you!L.A gig was aWESOMExx..
yeah and cheese fest pop toooo,BLAck eyyyed peas doo rule! i cant elp it..


the goonies+mall rats+clerks~dogma and the graduate~
breakfast at tiffanys
true romance+top gun
save the last dance
coyote ugly
Happy Gilmore
Little Nikki
the never ending story,camel boy lmao
oceans 11NOT 12
Jonny is so pretty. Pirates of the carribean, who cares if its crap.. Between that and edward scissorhands, i cant decide where he looks the sexiest!


the o.c, neighbours, hollyoaks yes indeed..Seth is soO bEautiful++ hehehe, karl, i dont care wht anyone says, i will love you always.dont die.xx


scar tissue mr keidis' autobiog is an awesome read, so um, read it.. anythin by bill bryson and also anything a bit slutty. yerp.


rolffffff harris..such a versatile man. hehe

My Blog

~she didn't, did she ?!! :O

I've thought a lot about whether to blog this or notbut I don't wanna be actively keeping from people what is possibly the biggest thing to ever happen to me so far. I'm pregnant, jst under 6 months t...
Posted by .*Lip$ @re QuiVeriNG.* on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 11:14:00 PST

Its the memories thingy!

I've been inspired and so am now totally stealing Hannah and Mark's memory blog for myself.Woohaha.U no the score, please jst write down any memories you have that involve ME!nO MATTER how drunken or ...
Posted by .*Lip$ @re QuiVeriNG.* on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 01:15:00 PST

Sunday Musings

Why are Sundays such a non-event? They should be called Blughday.I have done so very little today.I dont even have nice food so I had super noodles.tHEY WERE fun for a few mins.Now an empty bowl mocks...
Posted by .*Lip$ @re QuiVeriNG.* on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 10:34:00 PST

march gets better!

Yeay!!thinGs R lOokin up!bunnies!!pedro n alfiewe loVe u loTs!ur ace++hobBits-On kICkedaSs on Satn beSt of allback withbilly hurrah!!faNx 4 looKinpaSt my mEssed up WaYsn giVin me anoThercHANce>>u roCK...
Posted by .*Lip$ @re QuiVeriNG.* on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 03:02:00 PST


i had a truly awesome new yrs nite,which meansloadscs i felt like shit!!!me n bill r the best pirates u cud ever meet oh yesh..and 2 the wench whostole my telescope..well grrrrrrrr me arties.  or...
Posted by .*Lip$ @re QuiVeriNG.* on Tue, 03 Jan 2006 08:51:00 PST

friday snogfest

IS IT ME oR WAS FRI NITE HOBBITSJST A TOTAL INCESTUOUSSNOG FEST...jeeeZ. disgraceful. (fuckin roll on the weekend ;p)...
Posted by .*Lip$ @re QuiVeriNG.* on Tue, 13 Dec 2005 12:03:00 PST

memoirs of a random sunday

oh the joys of sunday drinkingand the random acts that follow...*yeah we <3 the brass++that girl is sexshual*b..heres a plan i'll stiCk my headunder t j.smiths beer tap in an oooh so not subtle way...
Posted by .*Lip$ @re QuiVeriNG.* on Tue, 13 Dec 2005 11:34:00 PST

its all about you...

please fill out and return Category: Life All applicants copy and paste this and answer these questions Name:Age:Sex:Sexual orientation:Best feature:Worst feature:Tattoos?Piercings?Smoke?Drink?Drugs?...
Posted by .*Lip$ @re QuiVeriNG.* on Mon, 05 Dec 2005 11:57:00 PST

**the weekend was the shit!!**

i've just had the mOstawesomeweekend ever. still smilin! Xx ...
Posted by .*Lip$ @re QuiVeriNG.* on Mon, 05 Dec 2005 11:05:00 PST