Member Since: 12/22/2006
Band Members: Res Rapid - Bass, vocals, flatulence.
Fidget - Guitar, vocals, hamburger eating.
Drummy The Drum Machine - Funnily enough... on drums! Also potential makeshift terrain to be used in games of Warhammer 40,000.
Roll Of Tape - The most important member of the group. If it weren't for the mysterious Roll Of Tape, holding guitars and er-... doodads... together, the band would, quite literally, fall apart.
Ok, just gonna bang some images/photo's here for our online press-kit thingy; suggest any small children and/or their Nana's turn their heads or shield their eyes. Aiiieeeeee!!! It burnnnnsssss!!!
Fidget, Res.
Invasion of the Giant Ants
Rocket Jock logo
Next Stop; Moon! cover
Influences: The Ramones, comic books, Dungeons And Dragons, science-fiction, Elvis, online gaming, Sy Snootles, The Queers, The Maori Volcanics, Conan.
Sounds Like: 2 geeks that can't sing or play. So, uhhh... well, quite shit, really.
However, they DO watch Star Wars alot, so, you know, they sorta reckon that balances things out. :)
In addition, Fidget can eat an entire pot of rice all by himself ( and we're talking about a fucking big pot here, not, like, one of those little ones that you boil up a couple of eggs in for breakfast, but then end up burning the toast, and FARK! Was the cat licking out of the marmite jar again?! ). It's kinda his mutant super-power or something.
Record Label: Deep Red Records
Type of Label: Indie