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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

music, snow, guitars, dancing like an idiot, singing very badly, faceplants, tv where detectives look like Gap models, girls who don't know how good looking they are, low slung jeans, cups of tea the size opf goldfish bowls, falling asleep on the sofa, gigs, starting to worry I'm to old to go to indie nights, h&m, going to work in jeans, food, lots of it, buying too many cds to listen to, wanting more cd's, not understanding people who only like one kind of music, doing a degree I've done nothing with since, italian food in italy, notting hill carnival jerk chicken, festivals, losing my mates at festivals, having had many crap jobs I've now got one I've always wanted, getting paid to listen to music, go to see music and meet the bands who make the music, having mates who refuse to give up on their dream jobs, having mates who can't be arsed to get proper jobs, having mates wh can't be arsed to get jobs full stop (lazy bastards), waving records at people, mixing badly cause I'm too busy dancing, enjoying myself as much as possible...well that's a starter for ten anyway.

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