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One Voice is a musical movement to spread and promote Spiritual Gospel Music. This will also serve as the home of Moore Grace Moore Faith Publishing.2 Chronicles 5: 12 - 14, gives us a great revelation of the purpose of God's music intent. There are many purposes for music. To soothe, inspire, to enhance celebration, etc. But in this passage of scripture, we can see it prophetically opertive. Phophetic in the sense that it brought the Kingdom of Heaven into the reality and experience of man's existence, where he could touch, feel, smell or see Heaven manifested. The text spoke of the nation's maturity from a nomadic state to a stable state. No longer would God's presence be traveled under cloth and linen, but a permanent structure made of brick and gold and silver would house the very heart of Israel in the form of the Ark. In the 12th verse, the ministry of music is now introduced into the grand event of bringing the Ark home. It speaks of the many people that were involved in bring forth the music. "All levites who were musicians and their sons and relatives" plus, "120 priest sounding trumpets". Thats alot of people doing a lot of different things. Some sang, some played different types of trumpets, some struck cymbals, but the text says they did it all with "one voice". It does not take a theologian to recognize that trumpets and cymbals don't have auditable voices. They are unable to speak words like you and I, but there is a "sound" that is voiced.Here in lies the movement. We have put together some of the greatest music that the world will ever hear. Our technology has allowed man to create molodies and harmonies that are unthinkable even though we hear it. Gospel music has made it mainstream and it's heard right along side of secular music and it's bringing in wealth that was only imaginable some 20 years ago. But the world has become so familiar to the point that our original intent to evangelism appears to have been lost with the idea of making cash and not building kingdom. So though our music is hot, our "sound" is muted. We have music, but no prohetic or spirual sound. It's inspirational. A spiritual sound is what caused a cloud to travel from the unseen heavenly kingdom, prophetically into man's domain. So much so that the priest could not perform their duties because there was no need. Their job was to establish a setting for God's image to settle, but the music already set the atmosphere.How is it that we are able to say "Jesus" on the air waves now through our songs, but secular music is still voilent and the world is still going crazy and our government is still unjust and ungodly? Were is the change? I say it has something to do with the sound. Are we vocalizing, one voice? Were is the phophetic element in our songs? We can not allow capitalism to control our voice(gospel music).This movement's purpose is to:- Bring emphasis to our spiritual purpose in music- Perfect the sound of our voice- To awake the prophetic mantle of God's Music Intent