secret_killer_of_names profile picture


About Me

Secret Killer of Names is an umbrella for Lloyd Barrett and the varied mutations elicited from his analog and digital composition. Lloyd was born in rural East Anglia, UK and had a lovely time...until he was transported for the term of his natural life to the hellish colonies!
It was here however that he met many talented musical friends without which he would likely be constructing stuff from static only. They are listed in the Members area and it is to their credit mainly that Lloyd has managed to scrape together more than a few interesting minutes worth of joy from the proceeds of various sonic engagements.
While not making, downloading, buying, trading, or listening to sound Lloyd is an avant-film nerd buffing with the kind of exploitative nasty crap or painfully pretentious art wank that Trash Video purveys and from whence he sometimes works. He also lectures in digital audio, communication and multimedia and co-hosts the Audiopollen weekly experimental show on 4ZZZ with Joel Stern.
For those that care SKON edited his profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests


Member Since: 21/12/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: not only Lloyd Barrett... but also... Joel Stern, Andrew Thomson, Andrew Kettle, Joe Musgrove, Scott Sinclair, Paul Forbes-Mitchell, Dani Kirby, Tam Patton, David Loose, Sarah Spencer, Daniel Spencer, Cameron Boyd, Kieran Ruffles, Briony Luttrell and all the other special contributors who have stopped writing me!
Influences: Coil, Nurse With Wound, The Hafler Trio, The Residents, Skinny Puppy, Roland Kayn, My Cat is an Alien, Phil Niblock, Mathieu Ruhlmann, Rosy Parlane, This Heat, Dean Roberts, Nico, Gilles Gobeil, Sun Ra, Peter Wright, Morton Feldman, Einsturzende Neubauten, Etron Fou LeLoublan, Katie Jane Garside, The Orb, Birchville Cat Motel, Tape, Ruins, Psychic TV, Lionel Marchetti, Randy Greif, Natural Snow Buildings, Faust, John Oswald, Curtis Roads, Irr.App.Ext., Don Cherry, Bernard Parmegiani, Cyclobe, Severed Heads, Amenti Suncrown, Ulver, David Toop, Ernie Althoff, Farmers Manual, Mirror, Harry Partch, Patti Smith, Ghost, Sagan, Phil Dadson, Arvo Part, Throbbing Gristle, King Crimson, John Cage, Tod Dockstader, Alvin Lucier, Francis Dhomont, Iannis Xenakis, Morton Subotnick, Barry Kirchin, Volcano The Bear
Sounds Like: A World Within Worlds
Record Label: half theory / room40
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

The real blog...

is here:  http://theperformingaudiovisualist.netWill be posting some stuff about my recent burst of live performances - but for the impatient:][oyd
Posted by on Tue, 07 Jul 2009 19:23:00 GMT

a curse on Australian summer

Paul Forbes Mitchell and I got down with our guitars, pedals and notebook to make some varied doom'tartronics.These two new tracks are barely edited and might be released on a net album.  Still not su...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Dec 2008 01:14:00 GMT

how's the weather out there?

Two new tracks added.  These are excerpts from a pretty interesting jam made from 1 part Briony Luttrell (Cellist, Comedian, Genius) and 2 parts Narghile (Andrew Thomson and I on Computers, Pedal...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Nov 2008 20:48:00 GMT

it’s in the air - it’s coming

Yes it is - new stuff n things are pipelining.Currently covered in academic goop - yes QUT slimed me - rather good forcing my musical taste on young talents (and some of them do kick my cranky old ass...
Posted by on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 12:02:00 GMT


Ok - so new tracks updated.First one is an excerpt from a track that will be included on Hermitworks V1 which will be released on cassette through Barnacle Rodeo.Hermitworks will be a series of volume...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 02:15:00 GMT

electrogringos and guitarzans

the last three tracks that have been added may / may not be indicative of what my electrofringe solo performance at civic park might be working the guitar / laptop / loop pedal / mixer paradig...
Posted by on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 00:18:00 GMT

Unweildy sparks of a twisted wilderness

The experiment continues....Drawing Spirits is what happens when I get inspired by Khanate and Coil in the same mind. There are recordings included of ghosts past and present.Androo and I will be play...
Posted by on Tue, 01 May 2007 17:57:00 GMT