DJ Danny Meyers profile picture

DJ Danny Meyers

About Me

So I’ve been around awhile. Started out in the 70’s in local bands as a bass guitarist, drummer and singer. Then came the disco era. If ya can’t beat em, join em. Yeah I was D J’n in the 70’s during Saturday Night Fever and Donna Summer. Worked just about every dance club in Cincinnati and Northern Ky until December 1996 when I landed the SWEEEEET job Diamonds Cabaret. Twelve years later I’m still there. I put my love for dance music and my musician skills together and with the help of incredible software called Cakewalk’s Sonar started writing and recording.
If I Only Had The Chance
-Written and produced by Danny Meyers
-Female vocals: Rebecca Pena
-Male vocals: Danny Meyers
-I got the idea for this song listening to a guy who comes into my club. He was telling me about his fav girl and in the story he said “if I only had the chance”. First thing I thought, good song there.
She’s a Freak
-Written and produced by Danny Meyers
-Vocals: Danny Meyers, Ashley Nicolla, Heather Wendling, Rebecca Pena
-I got the idea for this song from……………. I can’t tell you, I’d get in trouble
-Written and produced by Danny Meyers
-Vocals: Danny Meyers
-First day with my Vocoder, learning how to use it I came up with this
Work your Body
-Written and produced by Danny Meyers
-Vocals: Danny Meyers
-Sample: Technotronic – Pump up the Jam
-I created this beat and the vocoder pattern for this one. I’m not sure how the sample came in but it fit so I kept it.

My Interests


Member Since: 21/12/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: My computer and me

My Blog

Who wants bigger boobs

A middle aged woman was standing in front of a mirror complaining about her small boobs to her husband.  He suggested if she wanted bigger boobs she should rub a piece of toilet paper between the...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 11:57:00 GMT

Tech N9ne

Every once in a while a song comes along that just grabs everybody.  This time it's Tech N9ne's Bout ta Bubble. I have to thank Paris for this one. Damn!!!  Apparently MTVU had it at #1. I c...
Posted by on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 13:47:00 GMT