Hey! The name is Kasi. I was born August 27th 1985.. yeah do the math. I am getting OLD. I am with a pretty LUCKY guy if you ask me, ♥ RICHARD GONZALES ♥. He has me and that makes him VERY LUCKY.. I am a GEM! LOL.. Just kidding.. I am lucky to have him. He is the bread winner. I am the stay at home Mommy. I have one kiddo and another on the way. Cambrie Rhae is my heart and soul. She is the best KIDDO out there. Spoiled out of her mind, BUT a GREAT GIRLY! She was born April 13th 2007. Then there is my football player on the WAY!.. HOLDYN THOMAS should be here around the 11th of July. I can't WAIT.. K I can wait but I AM VERY EXCITED. I have 2 bothers and 2 sisters. There is Megan, she is 19, but seems to think she is 21. She is a Crazy Girl, but I still love her. We have been through it all. That is what makes us so CLOSE. Brandyn A.K.A Brando is our Angel. He was amazing... and obviouly I am not the only one that thought so because now he is Up there with God himself. I am sure he is Gods right hand man. I miss him more than words can express I see his picture and can't believe that is the only way to see him again.. until I go HOME to be with him. I LOVE YOU BUB! .. Justin he is 6 and a little SLUGGER!.. I miss seeing him all the time.. and Evelyn, She is something else. I can't believe how she has grown. WHOA!... and then there is my Parents. I can't explain the love I have for these two people. My mom she is my ROCK. She has HELD up when the rest of the World has broken down. She has been through more than one mother should. She just needs to know I LOVE HER.. and My dad.. He is one of my best friends. I can go to him with ANYTHING and I know he will have my back and stand for what he believes in. Then, there is my friends. Mimi, I love you chick. Thanks for being there for me no matter what. Thanks to Mingo I MET YOU.. and I have a friend that will be there forever. Chelsea, I love you. I wish we could spend more time together. One of these days HUH!. Tiff.. Whit.. and the rest of yall THANKS FOR EVERYTHING. My friends help me see clearly when I start to feel like I can't take anymore. Thanks guys! Well thats me in a Nut Shell. Got any questions? Just ask I am sure to have an answer. retro layout
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... Posted by ~*Cambrie's ♥ Mommy*~ on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 08:34:00 PST