N ame : j ijie
A ge: 2 0 (woah!)
G ender : m ale
L ocation : o il town miri
E thnicity : a sian
S tatus : i 'ts complicated
H onestly, i have that certain ego in me. my mood changes. sometimes i wonder how my cheerful & hippyhiphyper friends get along with me. but come to think of it,i'm quite an okay person.just that i always under estimate myself,disbelief in what i should believe, look down to my own capabilities,think too much of what others would think about me & tempted to compete in petty things.pessimistic is the best word to describe me.emotions kill at times.so if you intend to know me better,think twice. the question is,can you handle?
♥ ♥ My wish is not to mean everything to everyone, but to mean something to someone crackish.